Hunting The Alpha Wolf (Dark Paranormal Romance (Erotic Horror, Erotika))

Free Hunting The Alpha Wolf (Dark Paranormal Romance (Erotic Horror, Erotika)) by Emily Dante

Book: Hunting The Alpha Wolf (Dark Paranormal Romance (Erotic Horror, Erotika)) by Emily Dante Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Dante
    Stretching her legs she
felt the cotton rub deliciously against her naked body. She had always slept
nude, no matter what the outside temperature was, and this bed was simple
    The pillow was just
firm enough, the mattress soft and it all had that wonderfully tight, clean
sheet feeling.
    After having spent the
last evening chained to a wall and the last few hours running for her life the
feeling was just lovely.
    It had taken them
twenty minutes to get back to the town and find somewhere suitable to stay. The
snow was thickening when they had pulled into the car park of a local hotel.
    They'd decided not to
try to go any further that night, the weather was closing in. Sara was sure
that their captors had enough to deal with, and had no idea who she was anyway.
    She had left
Constantine in the car while she checked in, picking a room across the
courtyard from the main entrance.
    She had paid with a
credit card that she always carried, but never used before. Her father had
given it to her for emergencies. Since she was out of money in her own account,
and had no other way to pay for the room, this, she realised, was definitely an
    Still, it pained her
massively to use it, she hated relying on anyone.
    Constantine had snuck
into the room, and while she showered had put the TV on and refamiliarised
himself with world events by watching the BBC rolling news.
    She thought that she'd
heard him talking to someone while she was showering; perhaps he was ordering
room service. She called out, "Order me a club sandwich," but she
wasn't sure that he'd heard.
    Sara was exhausted so
despite the early hour, she felt incredibly drowsy. So now, weary to her bones
she turned the shower off, dried herself, and crawled into bed.
    Constantine striped off
his borrowed, tight and unpleasantly stained jeans and went into the bathroom
for a shower himself.
    She idly noticed the
phone had been moved, but no room service arrived so she thought that she must
have been mistaken.
    Oh well, she thought, I
can get a good breakfast in the morning, I’m probably too tired to eat now
    Ten minutes later, she
heard the shower go off, and was drifting off to sleep when she felt
Constantine slip into the bed next to her.
    Her body trembled in
anticipation; she felt a warm flush spread down her back at the thought of his
hard, muscled body just inches away.
    She lay still for a
minute, hearing him breathe next to her, relishing the intense heat that
emanated from his body. It had taken ages to get the cold out of her bones, and
even now her legs ached from the night’s incarceration.
    She had to admit that
other places hurt as well, due to the nights more pleasant activities.
    Activities she was
determined to re-enact in more traditional surroundings.
    Constantine rolled over
so that he was facing her, she felt him move and could sense the slightest hint
of his breath on her neck. He still had not touched her, so, she stretched out
on the bed, keeping her back to him, feeling her muscles pop and relax as she
did so.
    She heard his breathing
speed up as he watched her body move, the sheet sliding over her skin, and he
    Sara shifted her weight
slightly and curled up again, so that her bottom slid slowly and deliberately
into him. Her buttocks were now pressing gently on his groin; she could feel
the stirring of his cock against her cheeks.
    Moving slowly she eased
herself up until his stiffening penis nestled right between her cheeks and she
squeezed gently. She felt him stiffen  and lengthen as she languorously moved
her buttocks up and down his member, keeping it pressed against her small hole
as she did.
    The delicious friction
made her moan in desire, but she was determined to take it slow.
    While she wanted
nothing more than to roll over and straddle him, but she knew that they both
wanted the moment to last.
    Biting her lip she
moved backwards so that her whole body was pressed against his. Sara could feel

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