
Free Midnight by Elisa Adams

Book: Midnight by Elisa Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elisa Adams
stretch, even after he’d drunk her blood. That was a feeling she could get used to. She’d never come so hard in her life. Her
clit still ached. Her vulva throbbed. In fact, if he was still in bed with her
she probably would have jumped him without a second thought.
    Did he feel what she had? Was his climax as strong as hers,
or was she just another fuck for him? If he’d stayed, she could have asked.
Where had he slunk off to in the middle of the night—day—whatever it was. She’d
spent so much time in this room she’d lost track of when she was.
    He’d enjoyed himself. He’d probably deny it later like a
typical male, but he’d had just as good a time as she had. Maybe better. Take
that, Derek ! No more boring Amara in the bedroom. Marco seemed to bring out
her wild side. Maybe she owed it to herself, and her next lover, to fully
explore this new set of possibilities. If Marco was willing, she was definitely
    What was it like for him to drink her blood? The thought of
tasting someone’s blood had always turned her off, but now she was a little
curious. Marco had felt so good inside her. Did feeding off of her increase his
pleasure? Would she feel the same if she…
    Wait a second. Was she going mental? Humans did not drink
blood. Humans didn’t think about drinking blood. Well, not unless
they had some serious mental issues. She was human, therefore it was not okay
for her to fantasize about drinking Marco’s blood.
    End of discussion.
    Where was he, anyway? She got out of bed and rummaged
through the bags he’d left on the floor. Pulling out a pair of jeans and a
sweatshirt, she got dressed. The clothes were a little bit baggy, but it was
better than putting on the dirty stuff she’d stripped out of before her shower.
    She was surprised that when she tested the doorknob, the
door swung open. Hmm. He’d left it unlocked. Did that mean she was free to roam
about his house? Or did he just want her to go home? Maybe he’d changed his
mind about keeping her here now that he found out she was so easy.
    She groaned. What an impression he must have of her. She
didn’t usually jump into bed with a guy she’d just met. Her only excuse was
that she’d been under a lot of stress lately. She’d finally snapped.
    The downstairs of the house was dim, the only source of
light a few wall sconces. The walls were dark beige only a few shades lighter
than the hardwood floors. Antiques made up the majority of the decor, stuff he’d
probably been collecting for years. A lot of it he’d probably bought new.
    That was a scary thought.
    She wandered into the kitchen and got a glass of water. She
drank it down quickly, but winced at the oddly metallic taste it left in her
mouth. The clock on the stove read eleven o’clock, and the sky was black beyond
the kitchen window. That meant she’d slept through an entire day.
    How did that happen? She normally lived on a few hours’
sleep every night. When did she get to be so lazy that she slept for nearly
twenty four hours without blinking an eye?
    The back door was cracked open, the sound of crickets
filling the night air. She pulled the door open all the way and stepped
outside. Marco was sitting on a wooden bench on the deck. He glanced up when he
saw her, and for the first time he actually smiled. “Did you sleep well?”
    She nodded. “I guess. Why did you let me sleep so long?”
    He shrugged. “You needed your rest. I had no right to take
blood from you.”
    “If I didn’t want you to, I would have said no.” She sat
down next to him, her leg brushing against his knee. She tried not to let him
see that even the small touch affected her, but she was learning there wasn’t
much she could keep from him.
    “You didn’t want to be kidnapped. That didn’t stop me.”
    She rolled her eyes. “This is new. The big, bad alpha-vamp
is actually showing remorse.”
    “Don’t start.” The warning tone was plain in his voice.
    “What are you going to do, bite me?”

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