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Authors: Jennifer Cowan
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by muttering to my dad in her know-it-all-mom voice, “This is all your fault. I warned you not to encourage her with that stupid book.”

    e a r t h g i r l
[ Nov. 05th | 10:01pm ]
[ mood | brain ache — is that a mood or mood disorder?]
[ music | nothing ever happens — blake babies]
    I discovered another new word today – “ECOTAGE” A hybrid of ECOLOGY and SABOTAGE. It’s poo-poo-ed by some people in green circles as destructive and harsh. Others deem it necessary. Imperative.
    There is also “environmental advocacy.” And “environmental activism.” I’m not sure what the difference is. It probably depends on who uses the word. Or who points the finger. Or which side you think you are on.
    The weird thing is that people are actually on different sides in this one. Aren’t we all on the same side?
    The side of kindess, decency and survival?
    link                                                                                   read 6 | post
    lacklusterlulu 11.05 10:57
Me myself and I advocate activism and positivism but not nepotism. Cept for me.
    MachFhive 11-05 11:33
I’m on the side of using freeks like U for animal testing. Why waste a good rat?
    altalake 11-05 21:38
buddy, take it somewhere else. sorry you feel green washed by the truth, but get over it.
    e a r t h g i r l
[ Nov. 06th | 4:36pm ]
dont fret it alta. at least we know which side HE’s on!

    â€œMy parents are buying me a Mini,” Carmen announced, waving a very glossy brochure at me and Ella as we stood by our lockers moments before first period and mere seconds after her morning smooch-and-grope with Darren (strategically staged practically
distance from our faces...
    This was the perfect time to break my news about ditching driving school to Ella, but I held my tongue. I’d tell her later, so I didn’t throw off her entire day. Plus I didn’t want to hijack Carmen’s bragging, especially since it gave me a great opportunity to slip in some tasty socially conscious tidbits.
    â€œWhy don’t you get a Smart Car?” I asked, since if Carmen had hypnotized or tantrumed her parentals into buying her a car, she could easily sway them to get a caring car.
    â€œWhat’s so smart about a car that only holds two people and a sandwich bag?”
    â€œIt’s electric,” I said, pretty certain it was, or at least very eco-kind.
    â€œI’ll wait till they come out with a solar car,” she shrugged, tucking the colorful pamphlet in her purple binder.
    â€œThey have,” Ella grinned. “It’s called a bike!”
    I couldn’t help but smile. The comment was pretty sharp for Ella, who had a tendency to be pretty dim (okay, bad metaphor in light of the quite good solar joke). Sadly, despite their charms and senses of humor, it was growing ever more obvious (and slightly frustrating) that converting my gals to my new way of thinking was going to be a long, slow process.
    I shouldn’t really have been surprised.
    With all the hype and urgency the environment, weather, food supply and water were generating everywhere these days, it was inevitable my girlz would switch to tune out. Or skeptical at least. Green fatigued. And who could blame them? Even I was occasionally exhausted by the breathless, overmedicated news-spewing talking heads and undermedicated political hacks spitting out URGENT warnings. Not to mention the flippant nature of ultra-spoiled celebs driving away from gift-bag-a-ramas in their sparkling Prius’s (Priui?) hybrids. And I’d sniffed out the paradox of people with multiple homes scarfing down endangered sea bass at swishy

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