The Renewable Virgin

Free The Renewable Virgin by Barbara Paul

Book: The Renewable Virgin by Barbara Paul Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Paul
somebody else who found out it was your Lysco-Seltzer that had been doctored in Benedict’s apartment and decided to give you a little scare just for the fun of it. A sadistic practical joker.’
    â€˜Great idea of fun, isn’t it?’
    â€˜Whoever sent you the laxative would have to get pleasure out of what he was doing—there’s nothing else to be gained. Do you know anybody with that kind of personality? The kind that would get a kick out of embarrassing you?’
    â€˜A couple of hundred,’ I said without hesitation. ‘Nathan Pinking, Leonard Zoff, Nick Quinlan—’
    It was Marian’s turn to say, ‘Oh, come on.’
    â€˜Come on, nothing. Most of the people I know would think it was funny to put somebody out of commission that particular way. Using the same kind of bottle that killed Rudy is ghoulish, sure, but that just puts an edge on it. It’s the kind of thing Nathan Pinking especially would get a kick out of. He’s not exactly nice people.’
    â€˜But why would he want to put you out of action for even a day? Wouldn’t that cost him—oh, that’s right. You’re not in this week’s episode.’
    I said, ‘Nathan’s always doing things just to show you what he can get away with. Do you remember Christopher Clive?’
    â€˜An actor, sure.’
    â€˜Not just an actor. He used to be somebody, a Shakespearean actor primarily. An Englishman, same kind of training as Gielgud and Richardson and the rest of them. But he went on the skids, stopped acting for years. You know, one of those alcoholics who have to stop drinking altogether because one more swallow will kill them? Well, he’s trying to make a comeback. He takes any role he can get.’
    â€˜That’s it,’ Marian said. ‘He was on LeFever , wasn’t he? Small part. Thought I’d seen him recently.’
    â€˜Remember the scene in Central Park where he lost his trousers? That wasn’t in the script. Nathan Pinking wanted him to drop his pants for a cheap laugh. Christopher Clive is a man of enormous dignity, even as a reformed drunk. It was painful for him. But he did it—he needed the job. Nathan just stood there and snickered. He humiliated that man just to prove he could. Now, do you think somebody like that would hesitate to send me a laxative disguised as something else?’
    Marian shook her head. ‘I got to admit, he sounds like a good candidate. But those others you mentioned—what about your agent, Leonard Zoff? How would hurting you benefit him?’
    I shrugged. ‘Leonard sometimes calls himself a flesh-peddler. I think he dislikes women. His speech is just full of little put-downs—well, you met him, you know what he’s like. I don’t really know what goes on in Leonard’s head. But I take it back about Nick Quinlan. On second thought, I know he didn’t do it. He’s too dumb. Nick couldn’t even manage typing the address label much less all the rest of it.’
    â€˜I’m glad you eliminated one suspect,’ Marian said dryly. ‘Do you really spend your life surrounded by so much ill will?’
    â€˜Absolutely. You mean you don’t? You’re a cop, you should know what it’s like. Look what’s happened here. Somebody just told me they think I’m shit. How am I supposed to feel about that? What am I supposed to do—take it in stride?’
    â€˜I can’t even hit back! Oh, how I’d love to hit back!’ Something occurred to me. ‘I wouldn’t mind slipping a little of that phenolwhatsit to Nick Quinlan. Is the crime lab finished with that bottle? Do you suppose—’
    â€˜No, you may not have it back,’ Marian said disapprovingly. ‘You shouldn’t mess around with chemicals you don’t know anything about. What’s a safe dosage? Don’t even consider it.’
    I muttered

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