Sea Of Grass

Free Sea Of Grass by Kate Sweeney

Book: Sea Of Grass by Kate Sweeney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Sweeney
asked, and Claire gave him a confused look. “The annual Double R barbecue.”
    Tess grimaced and winced. “I completely forgot. We still do that?” She caught Claire’s look of confusion. “I’ll explain later. Thanks, Tom.”
    They stopped outside Harry’s department store. “It’s not really a department store like in the city. However, Harry likes to think so. Humor him,” she whispered into Claire’s ear.
    “Tess, what a surprise. I haven’t seen you in years. Are you back for good? Got tired of the city life, huh?” Harry asked.
    “Something like that. Harry, this is Claire Redmond and her son, Jack. Claire is working at the ranch, taking over for Maria until she gets back. We need some ranching clothes for the young man. The works,” Tess said, and Harry rubbed his hands together.
    In a short time, Jack stood there in his new Levi’s, cowboy boots, and denim shirt. “Three pairs each, Harry. Except the boots, one pair should do it,” Tess ordered as she perused the cowboy hats.
    “Tess, I can’t let you buy this,” Claire said as she came to her side.
    “Which hat do you think?” Tess asked, ignoring her. She picked up a black ten gallon and held it up to Jack. “Nah,” she said with a frown.
    “Tess…” Claire insisted.
    “Here, try this one, kiddo.” Tess handed him a tan Stetson with gold braiding around the crown. Jack’s eyes lit up as he tried on the hat and stood in front of the mirror.
    It was then Tess turned to Claire. “Claire, he needs to fit in. You can pay me back. I’ll take it out of your salary.”
    “Which we’ve never discussed,” Claire reminded her.
    “We haven’t?”
    “Don’t worry. I’m going to pay you.”
    Claire put her hands on her hips. “I didn’t think otherwise. My point, Miss Rawlins, is I don’t want you to be paying for my son’s clothes.”
    “I didn’t mean to offend you. We’ll discuss your salary when we get back. You’re worth your weight in gold with your cinnamon rolls alone. How about five hundred a week, plus room and board?” She absently watched Jack and took the cowboy hat off his head.
    Bending the brim to soften it, she handed it back to him. “Thanks...”
    “You’re welcome,” Tess said to Jack with a wink.
    “Tess,” Claire said again. Tess noticed the exasperated voice and hid her grin. “I want to be fair. That’s too much money.”
    “I’ve never had an employee tell me that,” she said and winked again at Jack. Tess looked back at Claire. “I’m the heir to the Rawlins dynasty. Stop arguing with an heiress,” she said in a haughty tone that emitted a snorting laugh from Jack.
    “If you continue to spend money like this, you’ll have no dynasty left,” Claire said, trying to make her understand.
    “Okay. I understand your concern, and I appreciate you looking out for the future of the Double R,” she said seriously. “Now let me make it up to you. You need a cowboy hat, as well, and a good pair of Levi’s.”
    Claire ran her hand over her face. “Do you always get what you want?”  
    “I never thought about it.” Tess struck a contemplative pose. “Pretty much, yeah.”  
    Claire narrowed her eyes at the grinning woman and shook her head. “Fine, I give up.”
    “Good, knew you’d see it my way,” Tess said with a sly grin.

    “Mom, you look great!” Jack exclaimed as he walked around Claire.
    Tess was sitting in the chair waiting, twirling her hat as Claire changed. She glanced up and blinked several times, dropping the hat. Claire Redmond has hips, Tess thought stupidly.
    The Levi’s fit snug and the brown cowboy boots gave her just enough lift. Her white denim shirt tucked in accentuated her trim shape.
    Harry came rushing over. “Here, this will go beautifully, Mrs. Redmond.” He handed her the leather vest. Claire, who was blushing, slipped into it. “Perfect! Tess, what do you think?”
    Tess, trying to find some moisture in her mouth, just gave a

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