Evelina and the Reef Hag

Free Evelina and the Reef Hag by R.A. Donnelly

Book: Evelina and the Reef Hag by R.A. Donnelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.A. Donnelly
Tags: Fantasy
cold supper of fruit and coconut meat, Evelina took the swing elevator down, then trod to the beach.
    The moon glowed like a bright spotlight on the white sand. The palms rustled in the evening breeze. Wings flapped in the distance, followed by a low growl, mingling with other night sounds.
    Evelina reached for the silver chain around her neck. She rubbed the black pearl, whispering, “Where are you, Grammy Crimm?”
    Her wish came true.
    Grammy Crimm appeared decked out in a flowered blue housedress. “Hello, my love!” Her sunny smile lit up the night beneath the swirling white waves on her head. “You’re at the Glaring. What excitement!”
    The joy in her voice rippled over Evelina like a laughing brook, filling her heart to the brim. There was no one like Grammy Crimm . The sparkle twinkling in her eyes lit up Evelina , spreading love over every corner of her flesh.

    “I did so enjoy the Glarings ,” Grammy Crimm said.
    “Today was certainly interesting,” Evelina agreed. “ Oceana won. But I suppose you know that?”
    “Yes.” Grammy Crimm’s blue eyes glittered. “The Council watches these things very carefully.”
    “Then you know about Melvin Ruggles.”
    “We do.” Her gentle voice turned grave. “There’s an investigation under way. Raskin Lipworth , the chief prosecutor, is questioning anyone who had anything to do with it.”
      That sounded ominous. “I found him dead.”
    “So I hear.” She didn’t sound shocked. “Be careful of what you say, my dear.”
    Evelina’s heart picked up speed. “I didn’t have anything to do with it!”
    “Of course not.” Grammy Crimm waved a depreciative hand. “But there are those who would point the finger at anyone they can, especially during a competition. The stakes are high.”
    “You mean the Swamp Hags.”
    “And others, working with them.” Grammy Crimm wore a grim look. “Tribe members turn against each other when it comes to gaining a seat on the Council.”
    “To help friends?”
    “Nepotism is rampant, I’m afraid.” She shook her head. “One cut and we all bleed to death.”
    “But that isn’t right!”
    “No, it isn’t. Many of us are working to change this. But it takes time.” She folded her hands in front of her and smiled. “But, let’s talk of happier things. “How’s your friend, Frankie Holler?”
    Evelina shrugged, attempting to appear nonchalant. “He promised the Council to stay away from me.”
    “Ha! A mistake on their part.” She gave a sparkle of laughter. “Love grows stronger once denied.”
    Evelina stiffened. “Doesn’t the Council have more important things to do than spy on us?”
    “No, no. It’s nothing like that. Even we have our limits, you know—invasions of privacy are taken very seriously. It’s strictly forbidden.”
    “Like Time Keepers and Water Witches marrying.”
    “Time Keepers have never married for love.” Grammy Crimm nodded. “Your parents dying under suspicious circumstances didn’t help that taboo.”
    Evelina breathed a great sigh. If only she could prove they met with foul play and it had nothing to do with her father being a Time Keeper. They were investigating black magic spells. But that’s all she knew. “I wish I knew how they died.”
    “It’s being investigated.” There was finality in Grammy Crimm’s tone as though she didn’t want Evelina getting involved. Maybe it would jeopardize her seat on the Council. “Things must be done through the right channels to make charges stick.”
    “Why are you my cosmic contact?” Evelina changed the subject to another question that had been burning a hole in her brain. “I mean who decides that?”
    “There is no choice. You are the next novice in our line and I the last to pass.”
    “But, what if you hadn’t passed?”
    “Then my mother would have been your contact as she was your mother’s.”
      “Is that how you became such a powerful witch? From secrets passed down through the

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