HF - 01 - Caribee

Free HF - 01 - Caribee by Christopher Nicole

Book: HF - 01 - Caribee by Christopher Nicole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christopher Nicole
Tags: Historical Novel
lads? He's not really cut out to be a sailor, after all.'
    'You let me pass,' Edward demanded.
    Benjamin looked at Hilton.
    'But as he's here,' Hilton said. 'We may as well have a li tt le sport with him. Tell you what, Master Warner, well just put a li tt le tar on, in one or two places, so's you get the feel.'
    'You'll not,' Edward shouted. 'You'll not'
    'Hold his arms, Benjamin,' Hilton commanded. 'Dicky, come grab his legs while I get those breeches offl He'll be a sight for sore eyes, I'll wager.'
    'You'll not,' Edward screamed, and kicked Benjamin on the ankle.
    'Ow,' Benjamin roared, and dropped the tar pot. 'Ow, me God.'
    'You'll not,' Edward screamed again, and kicked him again, this time in the stomach as he bent over. Suddenly all of the vicious anger he had known at Tyburn welled into his stomach, but this time he did not feel sick; he wanted to hurt them, all of them, wanted to kill them, in his hate.
    Benjamin howled and rolled against the barrels.
    'By Christ, you li tt le beast,' Hilton shouted, reaching for him. But Edward ducked under his arms, scooped up the tar pot—it lay on its side and the evil liquid was already running across the grating and dripping through into the bilges—and swung it around before le tt ing it go. Hilton received the full contents on the chest. He tumbled backwards, and Edward made for the ladder, but checked as he saw Dick waiting for him.
    'By Christ,' Hilton said again, ge tt ing to his feet. 'You gu tt er rat. By Christ, I'll have the skin off your arse, before I stuff tar up it, by Christ. Benjamin, fetch that rope's end.'
    Benjamin was struggling to his knees, still mu tt ering and cursing.
    Edward looked right and left, and saw the rope lying across a barrel. It was about five feet long, and ended in a series of nasty looking knots, tight and hard to break the skin where they bruised. He sucked air into his lungs, leapt across the hold, and seized it.
    'Get him,' Hilton bawled, a tt empting to claw tar from his clothes.
    Benjamin came towards Edward, and Edward took hold of the rope in both hands, and swung it as hard as he could. The knots took Benjamin across the face and he gave a howl of real pain and fell back, while blood spurted from a cut on his cheek.
    'Don' ‘I just stand there, Dicky,' Hilton bellowed. 'Go get him.'
    Dick chuckled, and came forward. Edward swung the rope, to and fro again, and Dick hesitated, beginning to crouch.
    ‘I 'll kill you,' Edward said, in a low voice. 'You come a step nearer and I'll kill you, by God.'
    Dick glanced at Hilton, who removed another lump of hardening tar and threw it on the deck, before raising his head in a frown.
    'And you,' Edward said.
    'By Christ,' Hilton said, half to himself. ‘I believe you would, if you could. His name is Warner, lads, remember that. His father is a famous soldier. Seems the cub has all that spirit, too.'
    'You'll help me, Mr Hilton,' Dick said, weaving to and fro, and watching the rope's end. Behind him Benjamin sat against the barrels and moaned.
    ‘I 'll not, Dicky,' Hilton said. 'Who'd have thought it, a lad of twelve taking on three strapping louts like us. So you won' ‘I have tar on your tool, Mr Warner. That's a fair decision, and a bold one. So let's call it a halt. Put down your rope, and here's my hand on it.'
    Edward hesitated. Of course if the three boys really wanted to capture him they could do so without the slightest trouble. Slowly he lowered the rope.
    'You're an honest fellow, Master Warner.' Hilton came across the hold, hand outstretched, and Edward dropped the rope and extended his own.
    'Got you,' Dick shouted, and threw both arms around Edward's waist.
    'Dishonest wretch,' Edward exclaimed.
    'He is that,' Hilton agreed, and fetched Dick such a buffet across the ear he cannoned into the barrels and joined Benjamin on the deck. ‘I gave my word, and Tony Hilton's word sticks.' He squeezed Edward's hand. 'Master Warner, I'll tell you straight, when I clapped eyes on you

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