Heat Wave

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Book: Heat Wave by Sara Orwig Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Orwig
Tags: FICTION/Romance/Contemporary
blouse, a full blue skirt and canvas shoes, she was hot. During third period she gave a test and walked up and down the aisles to answer any questions and watch for cheating. The only sounds were her footsteps and the occasional shuffling of papers. She was standing at the back of the room beside Fred Lake’s desk when the door opened and Cole entered, his boots making a clatter on the wooden floor.
    Stunned, Marilee caught her breath as the moment froze in time. The sudden appearance of a tiger wouldn’t have been more startling. Dressed in a pale gray western suit. Cole dominated the room, conveying a masculine air of authority as he walked leisurely across the front. He stopped by her desk, one hand resting casually on his hip.

    Thirty-three faces turned to look at her questioningly. She felt a flush consume her to the roots of her hair.
    Cole grinned. His voice was strong and clear and thirty-three faces reversed directions when he asked, “I’m sorry to interrupt, but may I see you a moment, Miss O’Neil?”
    Every eye returned to her. Cole had her at a disadvantage. If she refused, he would just wait. If that happened, not a student in the room would finish the test. She could feel curiosity swirling around her like warm bath water and knew it would be only seconds before someone started to giggle.
    Along with apprehension came mounting fury. She was as angry with her office as she was with Cole. For the thousandth time she wished they wouldn’t send visitors to a room without notice.
    “Everybody go on with your test,” she said sternly.
    No one moved. All attention was on her as she started toward the front of the room.
    Cole watched her walk up the aisle. It didn’t matter where they met, what circumstances surrounded them, the impact of facing him was as great as ever. She was totally aware of every inch of her body as his blue eyes focused on her. She knew thirty-three pairs of ears waited for her words. The silence was total when she paused in front of Cole.
    Whispering, even though her whisper could be heard throughout the room, she said, “I’ll be happy to talk to you after class.”
    “No, I need to see you now,” he answered in a normal tone of voice, his words carrying clearly through the quiet room.
    “My students are taking a test and you’re jeopardizing the results. Please go.”
    “I have an appointment in just a few minutes, so I can’t wait to talk later.” He paused then added bluntly, “Have dinner with me tonight.”
    Her worst fears were confirmed. Behind her someone snickered. Somebody else whispered, “Say yes, Miss O’Neil.”
    “Miss O’Neil’s got a boyfriend!”
    “Miss O’Neil’s blushing!”
    “You’re ruining a test,” she muttered between clenched teeth. Her anger bounced off him harmlessly. His blue eyes danced.
    “Will you?”
    “No, thank you, I have plans.”
    “She’s going rollerskating with the class,” someone said.
    She prayed he would turn and leave. Smoke should be pouring out her ears from the heat in her cheeks.
    “How about tomorrow night?”
    “I have to grade papers.” Go, get out!
    Cole’s blue eyes sparkled. He glanced over her shoulder. “Let’s see a show of hands.”
    “Cole!” Laughter mixed with her aggravation. To her horror he blithely continued.
    “How many think Miss O’Neil should grade papers tomorrow night?”
    No hands went up as the class yelled, “No!”
    “Hey, good! How many vote for a dinner date?”
    Several boys whistled and all hands flew upward.
    “Go on, Miss O’Neil! We’ll skip a night of homework so you won’t have to grade papers.”
    “Well grade your papers.”
    Her cheeks burned with exasperation, and she had to fight an idiotic tendency to grin. “Cole, so help me!”
    The moment she spoke, everyone immediately hushed.
    Cole smiled. “It’s unanimous. One dinner date instead of papers.”
    “After what you’ve done here …” she began.
    “How about eight o’clock?”

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