Change of Heart (The Flanagan Sisters, #2)
asked, “Any pets?”
    “I have a tropical fish tank.” It had come with the apartment, and maintenance on the tank was included in her lease. All she had to do was feed them occasionally. “You?”
    “An Australian bulldog.”
    She’d never had a dog before and was never sure how to behave around them. Zita’s two dogs were so energetic and made her a little uneasy.
    They walked back to the car. “Did you want to go to the movies tonight? There’s still time,” Evan said.
    She would, but there was so much she needed to get done tomorrow. She really should get back to work, she’d had enough time off as it was. “I’m a little tired.”
    “Of course.”
    They were silent on the drive back to her apartment. After pulling up, Evan jumped out and ran around to the passenger side door to open it. Ridiculously pleased at the old-fashioned gallantry, she got out.
    “Thank you for a lovely evening.”
    “Thank you for giving me some of your time.”
    She stood outside her apartment building. Was that it? Was he going to kiss her? Did she want him to? “Well, I’d better go in.” She moved a step away and he took hold of her hand.
    “Just one more thing,” he said and he bent his head toward her.
    Her breath caught moments before his lips touched hers. It was a gentle kiss, soft and sweet, but Carly’s heart raced in response.
    “Good night, Carly,” Evan said as he stepped back.
    Her legs a little unsteady, she nodded to him. “Good night.”
    She fled inside.

Chapter 6
    E van felt pretty darn good when he woke up on Sunday morning. His date with Carly had been nice, casual. He’d had the opportunity to learn more about her, and what he’d learned left him wanting more. She was . . . reserved wasn’t quite the right word. Cautious might be better, and he’d only just scratched the surface. When he’d arrived home, he’d done a quick sketch of her sitting on the picnic blanket, in her flowery summer dress, looking relaxed. That’s the person he wanted to see more of. He didn’t think the businesswoman Carolina was really who she was at all.
    Then there was the kiss. He’d decided to keep it short, almost friendly, but the spark when his lips met hers had surprised and aroused him. There was so much hiding beneath her surface.
    He made coffee and went out on the back deck to enjoy the morning sun. His bulldog, McClane, came with him and Evan tossed him a treat. McClane laid down next to his chair and munched on the bone-shaped chew. It was gone in seconds.
    Evan liked his place. It might be a rental, like all of the other places he’d lived in since leaving New York, but this was the first place he’d felt settled. Everywhere else was more like a stop before his final destination. Still, he wasn’t ready to make a commitment. The idea of having a mortgage was a little bit frightening, and he wasn’t one hundred percent sure this was where he belonged. He may be feeling settled because the house had everything he wanted: a decent swimming pool so he could do laps, space from his neighbors so he could play music at whatever volume he liked, and it had a yard for McClane to explore on the odd occasion when he was feeling adventurous.
    But that didn’t mean Evan belonged. He’d never really belonged. New York had been full of hustle and bustle, but everyone was rushed, unhappy, going through the motions. His parents had been a prime example. They worked long hours, complained about their jobs, and spent every cent as soon as it came in. They were tied to their paychecks and too caught up in their own lives to remember to pick him up after class. Evan had vowed never to be like that.
    After college he’d tried a small town in Rhode Island, but it had been too small, everyone wanting to know his business, and that didn’t work for him. In each city after, he’d floated around, not becoming part of the community. None of the artist centers he’d joined had members who were full-time artists,

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