A Wild Ride (Jessica Brodie Diaries #3)

Free A Wild Ride (Jessica Brodie Diaries #3) by K. F. Breene

Book: A Wild Ride (Jessica Brodie Diaries #3) by K. F. Breene Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. F. Breene
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
Moose said from down the table.
    All the girls got in an uproar and started talking at once. We fell back into laughing and joking.
    After the alcohol had been liberally consumed the steady stream of women started. Our crew of girls were back and forth between the dance floor and our table, and every time we returned there was a new selection of women in our area. None of them talked to us, and we didn’t bother noticing them.
    As the night train thundered toward mid-night, the guys in our area became less conscious of those that were acceptable to hit on, and turned to our crew of girlfriends. It was one time when Lump, Candace and I were on our way back from the dance floor that we were stopped by two guys that were in the VIP group, but that we didn’t know.
    Candace squeaked past quickly, but Lump and I weren’t paying enough attention until it was too late.
    “Hey ladies.”
    “Hey,” Lump shot back, feigning disinterest and looking around. It was habit for hers, and unfortunately usually made men try harder to secure her attention.
    “How y’all doin’ tonight? Saw y’all on the dance floor. Looking good.” The sandy haired guy took a step toward Lump. The other guy, slightly taller but the same mediocre appearance, walked around me, eyeing my body.
    It just got crowded fast. These guys were a little too drunk, and a little too used to women throwing themselves at them tonight. VIP status was going right to their heads.
    “Guys, we’re residents. Step off,” I said firmly, though still in a friendly way. It was talent.
    “Residents, huh?” the guy circling me said, much too close. He was starting to piss me off. Also, make me nervous. I was no longer all that great with strange guys in my personal space, thank you Dusty.
    “Yeah, residents , as in I’m Willie Davies’s girlfriend. This is my friend. Seriously, step off.” I dropped the friendly.
    “You’re Davies’s girlfriend?” the jack-off close to me said as he thankfully took a step back. “Oh shit, you’re that gal that got that bull. I saw that lil’ rascal not long ago. Feisty fucker. Nice work.”
    The other guy was looking at me with disinterest, turning back to Lump. “She might be taken, but what’s your story, darlin’? Wanna take a ride?”
    “She’s off limits.” Adam stepped behind Lump, whisking her hair over her shoulder to put his hand softly on the back of her neck. I could see goose-pimples break out over her skin as she leaned back into his body. Adam moved his hand to her shoulder to allow the increased bodily contact.
    “Says who, you Dunn?” The guy wasn’t backing down.
    “Yeah, says me. And says the lady leanin’ up against me.”
    The guy did, in fact, notice that Lump was overly content with the contact. The move had been made, and Lump was proving she was happy with the outcome.
    “There a problem?” Alas, my knight in shining armor had arrived.
    “We got a pissing contest here, boys?” Came Ty behind him, in good humor, as always.
    William snaked his arm around my waist. Ty stepped up next to him, nodding to the guy that had already backed off.
    “Hey Davies. Nah man, there’s no problem,” the guy that backed off me said, “We didn’t know they were with y’all until a couple minutes ago. Can’t blame a guy for wantin’ a shot with the prettiest girls in here.”
    “No worries, man.” William blew it off. “You gonna head out to the practice bulls any time soon?”
    “Ah, don’t know. Haven’t been on a bull in a while. Good to meet the gal that fooled that ol’ coot, though.”
    William gave me a squeeze. “Yeah, she kept my competitors from claiming ‘im.”
    As they kept talking about the bull, I noticed the other guy had wandered off, leaving Adam and Lump in their own world.
    Lump’s whole body leaned back into Adam, her head leaned back to rest on his collar bone. He ran a large hand along her stomach, his other arm across her chest, bringing her in closer.
    Lump responded

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