Jorgr (The Mating Games Book 7)

Free Jorgr (The Mating Games Book 7) by Catty Diva

Book: Jorgr (The Mating Games Book 7) by Catty Diva Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catty Diva
hot breath landed on his cock it jerked with need. Her tongue whipped out to gather the drop of dew on the end of his shaft that threatened to fall. Closing her eyes she savored his flavor moaning her enjoyment.
    Looking up she saw him watching her every move with anticipation. Keeping her eyes locked on his she lowered her head wrapping her lips around his cock. Sinking all the way to his base, she hollowed her cheeks and began moving up and down his staff as one hand cupped and massaged his big balls. His hands reached into her hair rubbing her scalp and it felt good. Faster and harder she sucked on his cock making him moan and writhe. He tensed letting her know he was close so she sped up until he exploded. She gulped down his hot cum draining every drop then released his cock with a plop.
    She’d expected him to fall back on the bed resting for a while but he didn’t. He rolled over on top of her his cock hard once more in seconds. Mazlan males had extremely good stamina. Georgie found her mate to be an incredible lover. He was gentle for such a large male and he showed her so much love. Now he speared her on his cock and began to move rapidly. Her channel spasmed around his shaft clinging to it as he moved back and forth. It felt fabulous and she tried to make the feeling last but he pushed her over the edge fast. As her body arched and she screamed his name, he followed her into bliss.
    She lay back thinking about how they had become like a family-Jorgr, the girls, and her. Jenny was still missing but assumed dead although Jorgr still had someone searching for her. They had spent a lot of time with the girls but Jorgr had insisted they spend some time alone before landing.
    It was only a few hours later that Jorgr’s com buzzed. He looked down at the message and he seemed happy. “That was Stevr. We’ll be at Oison within the hour.”
    Georgie was nervous because everything would be new to her and she was meeting the rest of his family for the first time. He’d told her almost nothing about any of them so she had no idea what to expect. They dressed and packed their belongings. Once they were done they moved to the area everyone was gathering at. Her sisters and the children were all there. The ship slowed as it pulled into the docking station and then it came to a full stop. Jorgr took her hand and they exited the ship first with her family behind them.
    They were on a space station and now they loaded a shuttle to ride on down to the planet on. “We do things this way to limit access to our people. We’ve had several instances of sabotage and this makes it harder for them to attack the surface.” Jorgr explained as they sat in their seats putting their harnesses on. The trip to the surface was fast and she was glad to get out if the shuttle.
    Everyone congregated in a spot once they were off the shuttle. It took off to pick up the next load of passengers. Jorgr took her hand again leading her in the direction of some large hover busses. They loaded up and took off again pulling up to a large house a few miles away. “This is my parent’s home.”
    The house was huge and built of some type of lavender rock. There were flowers around the house in several shades of purple. Georgie figured his mom must like that color. The door opened and a female rushed out and enveloped Jorgr in a hug. She turned to look at Georgie then hugged her too. Relief washed over her as she realized his mom was accepting her. A big male, even bigger than Jorgr stood watching everything carefully.
    He slowly approached and she saw the family resemblance to her mate. Jorgr stepped toward him and they hugged in a manly fashion. She moved to Jorgr’s side unsure what would happen next, but his dad gave her a quick hug too.
    “I’m so glad you made it here safely.” His father said.
    “We had some problems but it all worked out.”
    Truer words were never spoken.

    Razar was angry but not surprised. First Earth had

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