From Lies to Promises

Free From Lies to Promises by Faith S Lynn

Book: From Lies to Promises by Faith S Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Faith S Lynn
the highlight of the night?”

Chapter 8
                  I don’t know what I was thinking he had planned for us, but I don’t believe I could have thought of this. We end up at the city park. They have a huge blow up screen set up on one side. Movies In The Park. Ryder tells me this is something that the city does every fall. They have vendors set up all around the park that carry anything from popcorn and cotton candy, to coffee and hot chocolate. Before we head into the park Ryder reaches in the backseat and retrieves an old quilt. We walk through the crowd of people till he finds a spot that he thinks is suitable and lays the blanket out, then we lay down on it.
      “I cannot believe I didn’t know they did this. What type of movies do they show?” I question.
      “It’s a theme and they change it every year. Like last year it was feel good movies like, Forrest Gump and It’s a Wonderful Life . Apparently this year they are paying tribute to Tim Burton.” He reaches in his shirt pocket and hands me a flyer with all the movies playing this month and the dates they will be played on.
      “You’re shitting me right. Who told you?” I twist my body to face him as I ask.
      He scrunches his face before he says anything, “Who told me what?”
      “Ryder, there is no way in hell you coincidentally brought me here on the night they show The Corpse Bride .” Sadly I love it because I see myself as the corpse bride, dead and lonely just wanting to be loved and normal.
      He clears his throat and says, “ The only recon I got from your sister was your number, and then she threatened me pretty much like your friends did if I hurt you.” Then he slides to sit in front of me. “So not only is the movie a definite coincidence, you have the grand knowledge that I would like to hold on to my balls. In which case means that you don’t have to keep on guard as much as you are when I am around.”
      “I am not on guard.” I catch a whiff of his scent and lean into it, “I just think you’re chasing something you don’t want, something you can’t understand.”
      “I don’t chase after anything. So the fact that I am chasing after you should be a good enough indication that I want you. If that isn’t good enough for you then I will have to keep trying and prove it to you. As for you not being something that I understand, it makes me crave you all the more.”
      Before I know what is happening Ryder’s lips are pressed to mine in a kiss that sets my whole body on fire. I part my lips as his tongue caresses my lips, begging for passage. I swear my body is so hot by the time his hand comes up to grip the back of my neck, that there is literally lava pooling in my lower belly. When we break the kiss, I notice that we are both on our knees holding on to each other like we are scared the other is going to disappear. Neither of us say anything. I don’t because I don’t want to say the wrong thing and break the moment. I have no clue why Ryder doesn’t, maybe he has the same fear.
      His hand at the base of my neck slowly circles around till it cups my cheek. “Are you done telling me what I do and do not want?” I manage to move my head in a small nod. “Good, let go and just have fun. I am going to get some popcorn. Do you want anything?”
      “Will you grab me something to drink, please.”
      “Anything specific?” Ryder ask, getting up from the blanket.
      “Ok, I’ll be right back.”
      Let go and have fun. Have I always been so on guard with guys? It’s possible, I think it has more to do with Ryder and his uncanny ability to make me feel more than I have in forever. It terrifies me. That’s the main reason that I tried to avoid this date at all cost. Maybe Ryder is right though, I should just let go. I hope I can do it.
      I lay down and survey the sky as the first hints of twilight break through with the bright pinks and blue hues coming

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