
Free Tinseltown by Stephanie Taylor

Book: Tinseltown by Stephanie Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Taylor
really friends.
    “Hey.” She offered him a genuine smile.
    “Hey. How are you feeling?” He stepped in and shut the door behind him.
    Deb rolled her eyes. “A little worse by the hour, but I’ll be fine.”
    “Man, I’m sorry. Anything you need? Your mom is making lunch downstairs if you’re feeling up to a sandwich and some chips. Salt might make your throat feel better.”
    She frowned. “How did you know my throat was sore?”
    Zach shrugged. “Not only does it usually come with the territory when you’re getting a cold, you’re also talking like you’ve got a cotton ball stuck in your throat.”
    “Ha! Thanks a lot.”
    He came forward a few more steps. “So you need anything?”
    Deb shrugged. “Not at the moment. Tell Mom to hold off on the food for me for another hour or so. I’m not very hungry right now.”
    Deb watched him standing there with such uncertainty in his eyes. Her heart lurched. Zach Sparks was a man who knew himself and wasn’t unsure of anything. It made her relax somewhat, since he appeared to feel much the way she did.
    He shuffled his feet. His eyes darted away from her as he sucked in his breath to speak then apparently thought better of it. A few moments later he finally said, “I’ll let you rest some more. I’ll bring up your lunch in about an hour.”
    “Thanks. By the way, are my parents behaving themselves? I didn’t mean to leave you to the wolves after telling my mom about our marriage. They’re making you feel welcomed, right?”
    With a nod, he said, “Absolutely. You’ve got some nice folks, Deb. You’re really lucky.”
    She smiled. “I know. They’re the best… I’d love to hear about your family some time.”
    At the mention of his family, an invisible wall shot up behind his eyes, just like on the plane when she’d asked about them.
    “Not much to tell, especially compared to your picture-perfect family.”
    Deb tilted her head to the side a bit, trying to read him, but found it was impossible. “I’d still like to hear about them. They made you who you are, Zach. They must be special people.” That sounded a little corny, even to her ears, but it was true.
    His focus was on the wall behind her, on a landscape photograph her father had taken years ago. “I’ll come back up in an hour and bring lunch. Get some rest.”
    Without saying anything else, he turned and left the room. Deb couldn’t help but feel cheated. Maybe later, when their relationship was on a more solid ground, she’d press him further. But for now, she made a mental note to leave him alone. It was obviously a sore subject, and he didn’t trust her enough yet to talk about it.
    She could respect that… for now.
    * * * *
    Zach wandered through the massive Atkins home and came to the library. Since he and Deb’s father had forged a bond of some sort, he knew he wouldn’t mind if he stepped inside, maybe to find Deb some reading material. The thing was, he had no clue what Deb might like to read… or even if she read. Some husband he was. But someone in their profession had to have some sort of appreciation for the arts. Half of the movies made were based on novels.
    Scouring the titles lining the wall from floor to ceiling, set in mahogany shelving, he liked the family’s taste. Most were classics, but there were a few newer mysteries and thrillers, and a small section of romance novels, which he prayed belonged to Deb’s mother. Grinning, he pictured his father-in-law curled up in front of the fireplace, reading Danielle Steel.
    At the end of the room was a large L-shaped desk, complete with a computer and printer. The dark wood of the desk and the matching leather of the chair gave this room an elegant, classic feel. Even though this house was much bigger than he’d ever want for himself, the decoration was impeccable.
    Coming to the far wall beside the desk, he found an extensive collection of DVDs, and an idea jumped into his head. When he’d entered

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