Finding Abigail

Free Finding Abigail by Christina Smith

Book: Finding Abigail by Christina Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina Smith
him and
leaned in for a goodnight kiss. It lasted longer than I intended and when I
felt his tongue touch mine, I felt the familiar knot squeeze inside my belly.
Ignoring the alarm bells that were starting in my mind, I let him wrap his arms
around me, pulling me tight against him.
    Taking a quick
gasp of air, he took the kiss deeper. When I leaned back to take a breath, he
started to kiss my neck. As small moan escaped my lips, I decided it was time
to go upstairs for a cold shower. “I should go,” I whispered while his lips
moved to my collar bone. “Thank you for a great evening.”
    He lifted his
head slowly, gazing at me with chocolate, smoldering eyes. His lips that had
just been busy driving me crazy turned upwards. “Yeah, I guess you should go
before we give your neighbors a show.”
    I laughed.
“Thanks again.” I opened my door and stuck a leg out.
    “Friday night,”
he said suddenly. I turned at the sound of his voice and raised a brow in
question. “I’ll cook for you at my place.” He touched my arm to stop me from
    The tightness
in my belly turned to a tornado. “Sure, that sounds nice.” I stepped out and
walked to the door, careful not to turn around for fear one of us would change
our minds. I was breathless as I made my way to the elevator, replaying our
kiss as I waited for the doors to open. I hardly noticed the Murray twins
screaming in their stroller as their mother fumbled with her mailbox key.
    “You know what this means, don’t you?”
Brenda asked, sipping her coffee. We had just finished dinner and Jeff was
giving the kids a bath, leaving us a chance to talk. It was Thursday night and
Brenda had asked me over for dinner so I could tell her all about Nick.
    “What does it
mean, big sister?” I stole a raspberry turnover off of the dessert tray and
took a bite as I waited for her to enlighten me.
    “Men don’t cook
unless they want something. That’s how they seduce you.”
    “Yeah, I
figured that one out all by myself. I’m not an idiot.”
    “I know, but
it’s been awhile since you were in a relationship. I wasn’t sure if you’d
    I licked the
raspberry off of my fingers. “Oh please, it wasn’t that long ago that Jason
moved away.”
    “One year and
three months to be exact.”
    I stuck my
tongue out at her, not bothered at all by the reminder. I was fine with my lack
of love life; it just bothered everyone around me. “But who’s counting, right?”
    She took a
turnover and held it in her fingers, staring at it. “Are you sure you’re ready?
You’ve only known him a week.”
    “I know, but I
feel like I’ve known him longer. Plus we’ve talked on the phone every day. I’m
ready, believe me.” I couldn’t stop the grin that was spreading across my lips
as I winked at her. “Like you said, it’s been over a year.”
    Still holding
the turnover, she sighed heavily before taking a bite. “Fine, but I will need
details,” she mumbled with her mouth full.
    I laughed as
Jeff came down the stairs. “What did I miss?” he asked, taking a beer out of
the fridge.
    I wasn’t going
to tell him. Even though we were pretty close, I had no desire to discuss my
love life with him. Unfortunately, Brenda didn’t feel the same way.
    “After a year
of Abby’s dry spell, she’s finally going to take a dip in the pool,” Brenda
explained, which had me gasping and laughing at the same time.
    Jeff stared at
her with his beer in his hand, a confused look on his face. “What do you mean?”
    Brenda sighed.
“She’s finally going up to bat.” He shrugged his shoulders, still not
understanding. “Taking the plunge?”
    “Could you
speak in real language please?”
    She groaned.
“She’s finally going to do the nasty with Nick. There, is that spelled out
enough for you?”
    I laughed as
Jeff finally realized what she was talking about. “They’re going to have sex?
Why the hell didn’t you just say so?”
    I stood up and
grabbed my bag

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