Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3)

Free Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3) by Rikki Dyson

Book: Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3) by Rikki Dyson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rikki Dyson
Tags: Romance - Fantasy
been up a few times to see the new member of the family. On Thanksgiving, all the family came up to Rawhide. “Your grandmother left a codicil in her will,” Jessie’s mom informed her. “You and Sam are to have any or all of the furniture you want.  The other grandchildren will receive money from the sale of the estate.”
    Jessie was happy to have inherited her grandmothers beautiful furniture, but knew they could have used the money more.  On December second, nineteen-eighty-one, a big moving van brought the furniture Jessie had chosen.  There was a dining table with twelve chairs, a china cabinet and buffet, a grand piano, a Grandfather clock, a Queen Anne writing desk with chair, curio cabinet with contents, three bedroom suits, living room furniture, plus furniture, books and contents from her grandfather’s study, also much china, Crystal and silver. 
    Jessie asked her mother, “Don’t you want any of this, Mom?”
    “No darling, we have no place for it, but you do.  Fill up that big empty house Sam has built for you. I think, that’s what your thoughtful grandmother had in mind.”
    The twins started their business with their share of the inheritance. Suzanne and Tracy put theirs in stocks for the future.  Farley and Bernice’s children did the same.
    Stacey was now eleven months old. She was walking and into everything, she could reach.  What she couldn’t reach, she would climb to get.  She was an audacious, precocious child.  When she was nine months old, Jessie took her from the breast and tried to give her a bottle.  She screamed and fought her mother until Jessie gave her back the breast.  At ten months of age, she quit the breast and took the bottle on her own.  When Stacey was eleven months, she quit the bottle and then would only drink from a cup.  Stacey loved going to the third or fourth step on the stairs and jumping. They had to put gates on the living room and back hall stairs and keep the doors closed to the basement. She would crawl upon the piano bench, then to the top of the piano, sit there and scream, “Dis mine, dis mine.”
    When Stacey was a little over a year old, Jessie had to go back to work.  Their cash was almost gone.  Doctor Sam was receiving payment more in barter than in cash.  Sam didn’t know who but a benevolent benefactor, was paying the utilities for the clinic. Jessie went back to nursing at the hospital in Austin and Mr. Chen took over care of Miss Stacey.  Stacey loved being with Mr. Chen, but when her mom or dad were home she was under their feet.
    Two of the bedrooms, upstairs had been finished. In one large room, they put in a wall and made a nursery for Stacey.  They locked the door to the hall so her only way out was through their bedroom.  Stacey loved, waking up early and then getting in bed with her mommy and daddy. Sleeping late around her was impossible, and neither would she take a nap in the daytime.  Without Mr. Chen, they might have rethought their parental belief in non-spanking.
    In the spring of nineteen-eighty-four, the Double SS was getting ready for round up.  The cattle were healthy and things were looking good.  Jessie asked Sonia to watch Stacey while Mr. Chen was running the chuck wagon for the round up.  Sonia had just given birth to their second son Richard in February, but would be happy to help out in any way she could.  However, nobody bothered to ask Stacey what she wanted.  She ran Sonia ragged the first day. The second day; Jessie took her to Grandy Scott.  Grandy didn’t fair much better.  Stacey wanted, ‘Her Mr. Chen.’ She kicked, screamed and refused to eat.  The next day when Jessie took her to Grandy’s house, she refused to turn her mother loose.  She kept asking, for Mr. Chen. 
    “Stop your cater-wauling and I’ll take you to Mr. Chen,” Grandy said, “And may god help the man.” Grandy saddled up and packed the saddlebags with Stacey’s things.  She set her on the saddle in front of

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