The Poet Heroic (The Kota Series)

Free The Poet Heroic (The Kota Series) by Sunshine Somerville

Book: The Poet Heroic (The Kota Series) by Sunshine Somerville Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sunshine Somerville
ordered to refuse you if you seek asylum in our camps?”
    “Yeah. I heard that.” Vale shuffled on his feet. “I’d appreciate any good word you could put in for me. For us.”
    Scribe’s gaze wandered to Evant and Nocturna. He seemed amused. “This your team? A bunch of kids?”
    Evant’s dark brow furrowed. “We’re not kids . And even if we were brainwashed in the Dominion Youth, we’re still better trained than half your-”
    “Not helping,” Nocturna said through a fake smile.
    Scribe chuckled. “What do you call yourselves? Beathabane’s Band of Merry Men, or something like that?”
    “We’re called the Hood,” Evant said with a glare.
    The commander faced Vale again, his eyes moving – as everyone’s did – to the tattoo. “Yeah, I’m guessing you have to cover yourself as much as possible.”
    Vale reached up to replace the hood over his head. He had a flash of a childhood memory when Vedanleé had done the same thing with the black cloak she’d always worn. Everyone thought he’d named his rebel group after his own hood – he alone kept the secret that he thought of his mom every time he used the disguise.
    Scribe was still thinking. “Since your brother exiled you, there’ve been rumors about why he hates and fears you so much. I think I’m starting to see why – I assume he knows you can read his mind?”
    Frowning, Vale nodded.
    “Makes sense.” Scribe scratched his jaw and sighed, looking at the operative. “Well, you’d better get out of here before any of my men report you’re here. I’ll try to talk to my superiors, but I can’t promise anything.”
    “I understand.” With that, Vale motioned for Evant and Nocturna to follow him out.
    Leaving the office, Vale walked between his friends and headed for the exit. He glanced around from under his hood and saw soldiers around the factory staring now. Word had spread fast. He heard whispers, and he saw a few soldiers point at him. Quickening his pace, he lowered his head, pulled his hood lower, and watched his steps.
    “Come on,” said Nocturna as she opened the door. “Let’s get back to the others.”
    It was the middle of the night when the trio finally returned to the executive’s hotel suite. They entered to find Tat sleeping on the giant bed, surrounded by the loose kronar tubes they’d promised the executive. Dynk sat in a chair opposite their prisoner, who’d been cleaned up and moved onto a sofa, though his hands were still tied. Babbitt sat at the computer terminal.
    “All good?” called Dynk.
    “Yeah,” said Evant with a glance at Vale.
    Vale hadn’t spoken much on their return trip.
    We’re all seen as untrustworthy, he thought. But Evant, Nocturna, Dynk… Their origins might be forgiven by the other rebels eventually. They might be able to prove their worth so they can fight right alongside the Underground. But my face will never be accepted. The rebels won’t ever forget exactly where I come from.
    Nocturna came and stood with Vale by the kitchenette’s counter. She put a hand on his arm kindly, and the human contact eased his tension – although he didn’t think she was using her gift.
    “I’m okay,” he told her with a weak smile. He pushed his hood off his head and rubbed his shaved head.
    Nocturna leaned beside him against the counter. “We’re with you, Vale. You know that.”
    “Uh, guys,” Babbitt called from the computer.
    Vale looked over and saw Babbitt waving for him.
    With Nocturna by his side, Vale walked over as Evant also joined them. Together they stood in front of the giant screen. A newsfeed was paused, and Babbitt activated the controls once they were paying attention.
    “It’s a joyous day at the new Capitol,” the reporter was saying. She stood with a large crowd in front of the enormous Dominion compound. “After months and months of search, Cruelthor’s long-lost sister has at last been found.”
    Vale gasped.
    “She was brought to Capital City this

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