New America 02 - Resistance

Free New America 02 - Resistance by Richard Stephenson

Book: New America 02 - Resistance by Richard Stephenson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Richard Stephenson
now.” The command was issued with a few hasty keystrokes.
    “Tell me about the attack.”
    “We’ve been able to trace the vehicles back to two men we believe to be the ringleaders, both veterans of the United States Army.  It would explain how they managed to get their hands on the ordinance they used.  The Golden Gate Bridge suffered catastrophic damage.  The framework remains intact, but the road spanning the bridge was ruined beyond repair. It will take years before a vehicle can cross it.”
    “Roberto, I want you to be frank with me.  What measures could have been taken to prevent this?  If The Silent Warriors are bold enough to start attacking targets in our most secure region, we need to do whatever we can to prevent it from happening again.”
    “That’s just the problem, Mr. President.  My region may not have been struck by The Pulse, but that doesn’t mean we’re the most secure region.  Just because we have electricity, running water, and a stable infrastructure doesn’t change the fact that our resources are being slowly stripped down to nothing.”
    “Elaborate, please.”
    “I fully understand that The Pulse Zone is in desperate need of every available resource we can give them: fuel, spare parts, food, water, working vehicles, medical supplies.  I have no objection to that.  We’re living in the lap of luxury compared to the East Coast.  The problem I have is that more and more of my troops are being redeployed to The Pulse Zone.  I’m working with a skeleton crew that barely manages to secure checkpoints and vital areas.  I don’t have the manpower to maintain law and order, and I damn sure don’t have enough soldiers to conduct investigations and round up suspected terrorist cells.”
    “Did you not think it prudent to bring this to my attention earlier, Mr. Jimenez?”
    “To be blunt, Mr. President, I have.  You instructed me to work out my problems with Regional Governor Butler.  You basically gave the man free reign to do whatever it takes to get The Pulse Zone back up and running.  Jackson is an arrogant little turd that wouldn’t budge on a damn thing.  He thinks his region is the only one that matters. He told me my region can go to shit for all he cares.”
    “Jackson said that?”
    “His exact words, Mr. President.  He’s cocky and dangerous, in my opinion.  I strongly believe he’s stockpiling resources and manpower for the day when The Pulse Zone is fully functional.  He wants to come out on top. I’m certain he’s planning something.”
    “A bold accusation, Roberto.  What do you think he’s planning?”
    “I’m not sure, but what I do know is that many of the resources I’ve sent him aren’t being utilized.  He keeps asking for more, and when I refuse his requests until he can provide documentation for what he’s done with my previous shipments, he goes behind my back and lies to you.  Your office sends me direct orders to un-ass my goods.  I don’t like it all.”
    “How long has he been doing this?”
    “Six months at least.”
    “Again, Roberto, why not tell me?”
    “With respect, Mr. President, he’s your golden boy, and I don’t want to make enemies out of either of you.”
    “Well, Roberto, I will admit that I’ve made his region a priority over yours for obvious reasons , and it seems we’ve all suffered for it.  Losing the Golden Gate Bridge is a huge blow.  My mistake was thinking The Silent Warriors wouldn’t be so bold to attack us out in the open.  The darkness and chaos of The Pulse Zone seems to be the perfect breeding ground for those cowards.  I’m going to get to the bottom of this; I can assure you that this concerns me a great deal.  I feel I may have given Jackson Butler too long a leash, and now it’s time to rein him in a bit.”
    “Whatever I can do to help, Mr. President, just let me know.”
    “Thank you, Roberto.  Now I’m afraid I must change the subject and impart some bad news.”

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