Soul Bound
and I feel my face heat. “Oh that,” I say. “Well, I sort of freelance for Slayer Inc. as well. It’s a long story.” I strain my ears to hear if Jareth might be coming back soon—surely he must have heard all the commotion. But all that greets me is silence. I hope he’s okay….
    “So you’re telling me you’re a vampire who works as a vampire slayer,” the elder says, raising a wooly eyebrow.
    I shrug. “That and a fairy princess,” I add. “And a cheerleader, too. Though they’ve probably kicked me off the team by now. It’s been a while since I’ve been home.” For some reason the thought makes me a little sad. “In any case, you don’t need to worry. I only take out the bad vampires, not the good ones.”
    “I see… And who, may I ask, makes that call?”
    I cock my head in question. “Excuse me?”
    “What I mean is…” He clears his throat. “Who decides which vampires are good… and which are evil?”
    “Oh right.” I scramble. “You know, to be perfectly honest, that’s actually become a bit of a muddy question these days.” Way to go, Rayne. After all, according to someone like Pyrus, these vampires are anti-Consortium—and therefore totally stakeable. “In any case, I’m not looking to stake any vampiresright now. I’m on a mission to find my sister, as I told you. Are she and Magnus hiding out with you by any chance?” I cross my fingers for an affirmative.
    “Maybe they are, maybe they aren’t. But if they were, surely they would not wish to be found.”
    “Yeah, I know, I know,” I reply quickly. This guy is going to be harder to get through than Jareth’s secretary, isn’t he? And I can’t trick him with Race Jameson sightings down here—even if he is a fan, which seems unlikely anyway. “But they need to hear what I’ve got to say. Pyrus, the leader of the Consortium, has discovered where they are and he’s probably sending a team right now to come and find them. If they’re caught, they’ll be tried for treason.” I scowl, thinking of the Consortium speaker. “And if they’re found guilty, they’ll be killed. I can’t let that happen.”
    The elder vampire rubs his chin thoughtfully. “A member of Slayer Inc. who claims to fight against the Consortium,” he ponders aloud, more to himself than anything. “Very interesting.”
    “Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s fascinating.” His slow talking is driving me crazy. I mean, let’s get on with it here—time is running out! “And if we had more time, I’d totally explain all the ways. But we don’t. So please, will you take me to my sister and Magnus before it’s too late?” I dare take another step forward. Fluffy growls, snapping her teeth. The elder vampire holds out a hand.
    “And how am I supposed to know this is not some kind of trick?” he asks. “That you are not here on a mission to do exactly what you claim you wish to prevent?”
    “Because Sunny is my sister! Family doesn’t do that to one another.”
    “Really.” The vampire chuckles softly. “Are you sure about that?”
    “I’m sure that I would never harm a hair on my sister’s head!” I vow. “That I would protect her with every bone in my body.”
    He rubs his chin again. I have to say, it’s really weird to be looking at such an old vampire. Most every other vampire I’ve come across was turned undead while still in their prime—and, thus, given the gift of eternal youth. This poor guy should at least consider investing in a little Botox or maybe some fillers…
    “You certainly do seem like you’re telling the truth,” he says at last. “Or at least a truth you believe. I’m sorry, however, that in this case I cannot be of assistance.”
    “What?” I cry, my heart sinking in my chest. “Why not?” Does he really expect me to believe he doesn’t know where my sister is?
    “I once made a vow to protect those who entered my coven,” he says. “Promising that only those who speak the ancient password of peace

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