Hidden Away

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Book: Hidden Away by E.S Hoy Read Free Book Online
Authors: E.S Hoy
she?” he looked stunned then it dawned on him
“ baby you have no need to be worried about her you will see” he kissed me on the head and we
were suddenly air born, minutes later we were offered refreshments and the flight passed without
incident, thank fully turbulence free as truthfully I did hate flying but wasn't about to admit it.
Drakes of Barcelona was a stunning hotel very contemporary with lots of glass and marble we
were welcomed in reception by a beautiful blonde whom I assumed was Rose, I was on my guard
straight away when she hugged Morgan but the warm greeting she gave me put me at ease, she
really seemed genuinely thrilled to meet me and whilst Morgan went straight to the office she
dragged me off to the bar for a cocktail.
“Jenna I've been dying to meet you Morgan has done nothing but talk about you since you arrived
in London, I was shocked to hear about the gas explosion, he told me all of your clothes were
destroyed so don't be cross but Morgan requested a local store bring a selection clothes for you to
choose from to save you tramping around the city, they have arranged for them to be sent to your
suite and any you want they can sort in any size and then you can charge it on your card, is that ok
with you? “ she was obviously keen to please and actually I had warmed to her instantly she had
no ulterior motives from what I could gather
“That is a fab idea would you have time to help me try on and choose? I am hopeless with clothes
I only had about four different outfits before I worked in London” she looked horrified
“ Jenna you need help by the sounds of it I am game” we clinked glasses and had a lovely half hour
getting to know each other, well the small amount I could expose anyway. Morgan waltzed over to
us he seemed relieved to see us both so comfortable with each other, Rose stood up
“We have a singer in tonight you both need to come down for dinner and see him he is wonderful”
we both nodded in unison “we would love to I take it Leo is the singer?” Teased Morgan she
elbowed him in the ribs
“Yes am I that transparent” it turns out Leo is her boyfriend and they met here after one of his
shows, I was looking forward to it. Rose and I went up to check out the clothes while Morgan did
an inspection of the newly refurbished suites, Some of the styles sent by the store were far too
revealing and not my usual taste but Rose was so complimentary about my figure and she
encouraged me to be a bit daring for once after all I was only 24. Between us we picked out a
good mix of stylishly classy and downright sexy! Outfits for all occasions, she chose a lemon
strappy maxi dress for me for meeting the Drakes tomorrow she also told me what to expect from
them, it was good to be prepared and Rose reassured me his parents were both lovely. I was in the
shower when Morgan entered the suite I could hear him shouting me, he wandered straight into
the bathroom and stopped dead when he saw me in the huge marble shower, he licked his lips and
our eyes met he looked me over from top to bottom and proceeded to shed his clothes, I watched
mesmerised while he walked towards me naked his huge erection was hypnotic I didn't blink when
he stepped into the cubicle with me I just took hold of his length and knelt down he trembled in
my hands and he hardened further I couldn't resist inserting him in my mouth (Carmella had told
me how to do this the right way thank God for a good teacher) my lips slid down his length and on
the way back up I allowed my teeth to lightly graze him, my hands held his buttocks, the noises he
was making reassured me I was doing it right so I took him deeper and deeper into my throat, his
hands grasped my hair careful not to touch my cut he was holding me gently while he plunged
between my lips
“baby I am going to come if you don't want to swallow let me go now” I held him firm and
continued my assault until I felt a warm salty liquid spurting down the back of my

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