Gabe (Men of Clifton Montana Book 2)

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Book: Gabe (Men of Clifton Montana Book 2) by Susan Fisher-Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Fisher-Davis
the sweat coming off him and found it sexy as hell. Looking up at him,
she gazed into those dark eyes and couldn’t bring herself to sp it out the words. She heard him sigh.
pregnant,” Gabe muttered and his shoulders drooped.
gasped. “How… how
did you know?”
took his gloves off, reached for her hand, and in silence led her into the
house to the living room. She’d always lo ved this
home and felt comforted by it, but right now, her insides were anything but
calm. She took a seat on the sofa and Gabe sat down beside her, holding both
her hands. He cleared his throat. She wasn’t sure she wanted to hear what he
had to say.
    “Gabe ?” she whispered as her stomach fell. Something was wrong.
Something he didn’t want to tell her.
first time we were together,” Gabe stammered. “When I went into the bathroom to
take care of the condom, it was…broken.”
She felt anger pour ove r her. She jumped up pulling
her hands from his. “You didn’t think to tell me?” she shouted. Gabe reached
for her but she pulled back. “Do not touch me,” she said through clenched
    Gabe ran
his hand down his face. “I didn’t want to tell you, in case you turned out not to be pregnant. I didn’t want to ruin
what happened between us.”
was weeks ago, Gabe. You’ve had plenty of time to tell me.”
shrugged. “I was hoping you weren’t pregnant. I decided to…wait it out and
    Emma was
shaking with anger. “Well, you see now.” She wanted
to hit him, her hands tightened into fists. “But you don’t have to worry about
anything. I’ll take care of it.” She turned to leave when Gabe grabbed her arm
and spun her around.
take care of it. What the hell does that mean? You
will not get rid of my baby.” He bared his teeth at her.
    “I have
no intention of getting rid of the baby. I’m telling you not to worry about it.
I can raise it on my own.” She blinked back tears and wished she was anywhere
else but whe re she was.
hell you will. We’ll raise it together. We’re going to get married, Emma. Our
baby will have two parents at all times, you hear me? I won’t be a part-time
father.” Gabe was shouting at her now.
Are you out of your mind? What cent ury are you living
in, Gabe? No one has to get married nowadays.”
leaned in and put his face down close to hers. “We’re getting married and
that’s that.” Gabe straightened to his full height and glared down at her.
“Once we’re married, you’ll move in he re. I plan to
be a part of my child’s life before he even enters this world. Make the
arrangements or I will, Emma. Believe me, darlin’, when I say I’ll get you to
the altar one way or another, I mean it.” He turned away from her and stalked
out of the hou se, the back door slamming behind him.

    * * * *

happened so fast even when the day came three weeks later, Emma found it hard
to believe she was standing in a church exchanging marriage vows with Gabe
Stone. The only people in the church were B ecca , as her maid of honor, Jake, as
best man, her parents, and Olivia and Wyatt who sat separately in the pews.
Counting the minister, there were nine of them in attendance. Definitely not
the wedding Emma had imagined for herself someday.
    Her eyes
misted up as she repeated her vows, her voice
trembling. Gabe spoke his with conviction. Her gaze shifted to Becca and she saw her smiling at her.
Other than herself, Gabe, and Olivia, no one knew the wedding was because she
was pregnant. She hated lying to them . They were her
family now. She and Gabe decided to tell them all once they were back at the
house. Gabe would tell his brothers and Emma would tell Becca and her parents. She glanced
toward Olivia sitting in a pew alone. Olivia winked at her. Emma then lo oked to where Wyatt was sitting. He was leaning back in the
pew with his arms folded across his chest. The

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