Gabe (Men of Clifton Montana Book 2)

Free Gabe (Men of Clifton Montana Book 2) by Susan Fisher-Davis

Book: Gabe (Men of Clifton Montana Book 2) by Susan Fisher-Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Fisher-Davis
his chest. Her hands moved through
the light smattering of hair to his nipples. Leaning down, she ran her tongue a round one, then the other. She felt Gabe’s hands move up
her ribcage to her breasts and cup them in his hands. She kissed him and began
moving her hips. She pushed herself up and rocked her hips against him,
grinding with each movement. Her gaze locked wit h
Gabe’s as she took charge.
your hair down,” Gabe groaned. Emma gave him a wicked grin and put her hands up
behind her head but didn’t release the ponytail, yet. She rocked against him,
looking into those dark brown eyes. She laughed softly when Gab e narrowed his eyes at her. “You need to learn not to tease
a man, darlin’.”
    “Is that
what I’m doing? Teasing you, Gabe?” She moved her hands down to her breasts and
cupped them. Gabe growled.
    “I can
see I’ve created a monster.” Gabe moved his hands to cov er hers. “Emma, baby, please…take your hair down.”
she still had control, Emma pulled her hands from under
his and took the clasp from her hair. Her long blonde waves fell over her
shoulders to the tips of her breasts. Gabe sat up and kissed her, dipping his
tongue into her mouth. She moaned but pulled back from him, and pushed on his shoulders. Gabe fell back and closed his eyes as
she rolled her hips. She gasped at the sensation she was creating with her
movements. That wonderful feeling she remembered from before was coming over
her, and she so wanted it. Her hips moved faste r and
ground against him. She began to pant when Gabe sat up again, wrapped his arms
around her, and flipped her onto her back. He slammed into her, and she wrapped
her legs around his hips, squeezing as tightly as she could. She screamed his
name as her o rgasm raged through her. A moment later,
she felt Gabe stiffen and groan her name near her ear. She felt him throbbing
inside her as he came. He used his elbows to keep his weight off her, but
buried his face in her neck. Both of them were gasping for much needed air. After a few minutes, Gabe rolled to his side
and pulled her against him. Emma put her head on his shoulder, and her arm
across his waist. She smiled when she felt his arms tighten around her. They
soon fell asleep.
    In the
morning, Emma woke up alone. She looked over to the
pillow Gabe had laid his head on. There was a note. She reached for it, and

    I hate leaving you but I have a lot of
work to do on the ranch. You look so beautiful lying there asleep. I seriously
want to crawl ba ck in bed with you. I’ll call you
later. I miss you already.

    She clutched the note
to her chest and smiled. She loved Gabriel Stone and even though he didn’t love
her back, she was happy. She got out of bed and stored the note in her dresser.
After d ressing, Emma went out to start breakfast for
the guests.

    Chapter Five

weeks later, Emma knew she was in trouble. She’d missed her period and she was
always regular as clockwork. She was terrified. How could this have happened?
Gabe wore a condom both times, she was sure of it.
She knew she had to tell him but she had no idea what was she going to do.
There was no way she’d have an abortion. She knew, without a doubt, her parents
would be there for her but what about Gabe? Would he be there for he r and the baby? Would he be a willing father to their baby?
    Emma sat
on her sofa, placed her hands over her face, and let the tears go. She needed
to get a pregnancy test to make sure and then call her doctor if the test
turned out positive, but she couldn’t help thinking
what people were going to say. What would they think of her? She jumped inside
her skin, her heart slamming in her chest, when she heard Olivia call her name.
She wiped her face with the backs of her hands and sighed before calling o ut for her to come in. Olivia strode in and stopped dead in
her tracks.
    “Did he
do something to hurt you? Because if he did, I will

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