The Christmas Cookie Chronicles: Carrie

Free The Christmas Cookie Chronicles: Carrie by Lori Wilde

Book: The Christmas Cookie Chronicles: Carrie by Lori Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Wilde
was all around her, lighting fire to her senses. His spicy cologne filled her nose. His quick breathing swept over her ears. The feel of his hard body clouded all objective reasoning. Passion ignited her blood, snatching her up a thick swell of sensation.
    She had to have him or die. Damn the consequences.
    That same thinking got you married in Vegas at the age of seventeen and broken up two days later.
    Apparently she was still as hopelessly addicted to him now as she had been back then. What was this magnetic power he had that made her forget all common sense?
    He kept kissing her, doing devilish things with his tongue. She’d missed this so much. He licked a sizzling trail down her throat, going back to tease her nipples. She sucked in a deep breath and forgot everything but the feel of his tongue against her skin.
    “Hold on,” he whispered.
    She had a brief moment to catch her breath, while he hopped off the bed, found his pants, extracted a condom and was back beside her, rolling it on. He stroked her again, building the fire until she begged him to take her.
    Slowly, in measured increments, he entered her body, and once he was all the way in they drew in a single breath. Together again. Velvet and steel.
    “Mark.” She moaned.
    He moved inside her in a lazy rhythm. Heat spiraled out from her solar plexus, engulfed her. In and out. In and out. Such control. That was new. Back in the day, he’d been Johnny on the spot and jackrabbit quick. She admired his new skills. Maturity had its pluses.
    On and on he went, making slow sweet love to her until she was on the edge of crazy.
    He cooed her name. “You are so damn beautiful.”
    She closed her eyes, absorbed his words, lapped up the exquisiteness of what was happening. Then she felt his body stiffen and realized he was close.
    But so was she. The whirlpool started deep inside her and rose and swirled.
    “Open your eyes,” he whispered. “I want to see inside you when you come.”
    She opened her eyes, bit down on her bottom lip as she looked up at him. His gaze was completely latched on hers. She felt herself falling, and she couldn’t get her breath. It was so beautiful.
    Her body tensed just as his jerked. She wrapped her legs around him, pulled him in as deeply inside her as he could go. In one brilliant squeeze, they came together. Rolling and tumbling and clutching each other.
    Mark collapsed against her chest, their bodies slick with lovemaking. Their hearts slamming together in perfect timpani. He buried his face in her hair.
    Carrie had never felt as vulnerable as she did in the moment of completion, but at the same time, she felt stronger than she’d ever felt in her life.
    This was beyond her. Beyond them. This wasn’t just lust. Not just chemistry. Not even just love. They were bonded. Meant to be. The sweetheart legend so.
    They were indeed each other’s one true love.


    M ark lay beside Carrie, gently drawing circles on her back with a lazy index finger. Her face was buried in a pillow, her cute naked butt on display. He could look at her all day and never tire of the view. His heart floated in his chest, free and easy. It had been a very long time since he’d felt this young. This happy.
    Awesome. She was completely awesome.
    He cradled the back of his head in his palms, crossed his ankles and grinned up at the ceiling.
    “Got any more condoms?” she mumbled from the pillow.
    “You betcha.” He shot off the bed, scrambled for his pants, and in less than ten seconds had the condom on. “C’mon, cowgirl,” he said. “Your turn to ride.”
    He pulled her astraddle his waist. She ducked her head to kiss him, her auburn curls trailing over his face. He couldn’t believe how long he’d been without this. Without Carrie.
    She eased herself down on him.
    He hissed in his breath.
    Carrie giggled.
    “I love to hear you laugh,” he murmured and slid his hand down her spine to cup her shapely buttocks. “This is

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