The Black Guard: Book II: Evolution (Black Guard Series 2)

Free The Black Guard: Book II: Evolution (Black Guard Series 2) by C. R. Daems

Book: The Black Guard: Book II: Evolution (Black Guard Series 2) by C. R. Daems Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. R. Daems
me know she understood what the
title meant.
    I relaxed into a meditating posture and closed my eyes,
knowing she would understand. I don't know how long I sat, seeking a quiet mind
free from the past and the future—what could have been and what could be.
"Be the Holy One and let General Prahash and me be ourselves," I
    She laughed with genuine enjoyment.
    Heydar, who was now seated, looked from her to me in
    "We must let Colonel Prakash and the Gurk commit
evil acts if they will—not us," she said. "General, Dragon
Sapir is suggesting we stay consistent with our beliefs. For the Holy One, that
would mean staying non-violent and trusting my loyal friend, General Heydar,
and the Black Guard. For you and her, that would mean not killing for hate or
glory or pleasure. Or you could say, staying consistent with the Book.
    * * *
    "I'm not sure I understand the Holy One," Heydar
said as he watched the shuttles being prepared for the trip.
    "It's simple. The Holy One will authorize no
violence against the Gurk or Colonel Prahash, for that would just incite more
violence. And she trusts us to do the same while containing any violence that
others may attempt."
    "I doubt Colonel Prakash will take the same
attitude toward the Holy One or the Black Guard," Heydar said, shaking his
head at the contradiction.
    I understood his frustration. Like the Good Guys in old Earth western movies
who never drew their guns until the Bad
Guys did, we were expected to let the Gurk shoot first. "General,
would you have someone take an inventory of your ground to air weapons?"
    "That's a nasty thought, Sapir, but we would all breathe
a bit easier if we knew they were all accounted for."
    When he nodded and strode off in the direction of
several buildings, I called Captain Blatt.
    "Sapir, what can I do for you?"
    "Nastya is getting prepared for the new Holy One's
required tour of the clans. Skimmers will transport us. I was wondering if you
could spare a Jax combat shuttle to accompany her caravan. Any Black Guard
could shoot a bird in flight, but I doubt we could hit a ground-to-air missile
every time."
    Blatt laughed. "I'll wager that's a well-kept
secret. What about the local army?"
    "Don't want to trust the Holy One's safety—and
our credibility—to the locals."
    "Need any marines?"
    "No combat troops. Just the personnel to manage the
shuttle and its offensive and defensive systems."
    "I think you're right. I'll authorize Colonel Berger
to send a combat shuttle to support your trip."
    * * *
    "That's one nasty looking shuttle," Heydar
said as the Jax combat shuttle settled on the ground.
    A marine lieutenant exited the shuttle a minute later
and saluted. "Captain Sapir, I'm Lieutenant Douglas. Colonel Berger sends
his compliments." He was a thin lanky man with curly brown hair and a
cocky bounce to his step. "Orders, ma'am?"
    "Just to provide security for the Holy One's
caravan while traveling. An inventory of the army's weapons has revealed
several discrepancies. They are missing two shoulder missile launchers as well
as some heavy machine guns. You will be authorized to use lethal force if we
are fired on."
    "Understood, ma'am," he said, excitement
obvious from his smile and the sparkle in his eyes.
    "General, I understand the first clan will be the
Sakva. Is there a specific route we will follow?" I asked.
    "Yes. As you saw on the map, Blackwood has only one
continent. It stretches north and south and resembles a bone with knobs at each
end. The capital, Ormaz, is at the southern knob. The northern knob is frozen
all year long and no one inhabits it for several thousand kilometers south. The
clan lands from the capital north are the Sakva, Jafra, Manni, Trashi, and Gurk.
By law, there is a one-kilometer-wide strip of neutral land that runs along the
east and west coasts that permits free access to the clans. We will use the
eastern coastline, and our first stop will be Poji, the capital of Sakva."
    "A half hour before we are

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