Visions: The Mystical Encounter Series (The Mystical Encounter Series Book 1)

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Book: Visions: The Mystical Encounter Series (The Mystical Encounter Series Book 1) by Kimberly Readnour Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Readnour
you, didn’t she?”
    “How could you tell her?” I whispered.
    “Heather, I…”
    “Save it.” I put my hands out to stop him from coming closer. “This is my fault. I should have known better.” Pausing for a second, I shook my head then smirked. “I’m such an idiot. You know, I started believing you were different…‌that you understood where I came from. But it’s a joke with me being the punch line. Well, I guess I was wrong about you after all. You’re just like everyone else I’ve ever known‌—‌a huge disappointment.”
    As those words hung in the air, I turned and briskly walked away, trying to will away the image of his hurt stunned expression out of my head. It took all of my willpower to keep from running; I wanted to get away so bad. Without any detours, I headed straight toward my locker.
    A little dazed, I stood in front of my locker, unable to open it. What the hell’s wrong with me? I’d memorized the combination my first day here, but my fingers kept fumbling with the dial, messing it up. I needed to calm down. The background noise buzzed around me, replacing the normal banter that usually filled the hallways. When number thirty–five rolled into position, clicking the lock open, I gathered my belongings in a rush before heading to my car. Home was my only option because attending my afternoon classes wasn’t happening. I was far too upset to even attempt to retain anything.
    Upon reaching the car, I tossed my bag aside, slid behind the driver seat, and slammed my hands down on top of the steering wheel. With my eyes closed, I leaned my head backwards against the headrest and wondered why. Why did he tell somebody, and why did he do it right when I finally started trusting him? Why couldn’t he at least have warned me first?
    After a couple of minutes of sitting there, I tried to make sense of what just happened, but being that outraged, I couldn’t think clearly. My mind was hazed over as if a thick fog filled my head where my brain once occupied. After a few minutes, when my mind became clearer, the anger faded. When I thought about how I treated Barry, I was embarrassed. After all he’d done for me, I couldn’t believe I accused him of being like everyone else back in Clayton‌—‌or worse yet, calling him a disappointment. He didn’t even come close to acting like them. Although he was wrong to tell Nicole about my ability, it wasn’t fair of me to treat him that harshly. I guess being on my own for this long made me forget how to treat people. I don’t know.
    Disgusted and embarrassed with myself, I went home. The front curtain moved as I pulled into the driveway, reminding me that Mom was there. I totally forgot about her not working today. How did I forget since I borrowed her car? Shifting the gear into park, an audible groan escaped my mouth. Dealing with her was the last thing I wanted to endure. As I stepped out, I thought I’d better face her now and get it over.
    “What are you doing home so early?” she asked as I walked through the door.
    Before walking up to the house, I debated whether to make up an excuse, but I decided to tell the truth since she’d find out anyway. Besides, I wasn’t in the mood to fabricate a story. After explaining to Mom about Barry, Nicole, and the way I handled it, the sympathy she expressed was more than I could bear. Although she drives me crazy, I hated being the reason behind her pain, and I kept doing it over and over.
    “Sweetie,” Mom stated as delicately as possible. “After all you’ve been through; I understand why you would be so guarded. It hasn’t been easy for you, but ask yourself if you were fair to Barry.” I groaned as she continued. “I agree, he shouldn’t have told her without letting you know first, but, sweetie, he hasn’t alienated you like every other person we’ve known. I’m sure he had his reasons. You need to at least listen to him, you owe him that much.”
    “I know you’re right, Mom.

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