Texas Tall

Free Texas Tall by Janet Dailey

Book: Texas Tall by Janet Dailey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Dailey
tell by the tautness of her breathing that she was only pretending to sleep. But seeing her with her eyes closed, one arm cradling their daughter, deepened the empty space inside him.
    He’d wanted to be a good husband. But so many pressures—the ranch, his father, her need for a career, and finally his own jealousy—had driven a wedge between them. That wedge was still in place, and Tori’s new love interest was driving it even deeper.
    As a man with a man’s needs, Will hadn’t remained celibate since the divorce. He’d had brief relationships, a few one-night stands and a few so-called arrangements with women who didn’t expect more than an occasional romp between the sheets. None of the women had lasted. None of them had been Tori. But maybe that was just as well. As Tori herself had pointed out, he was married to his ranch—too much competition for any woman to handle, even her.
    Still, she looked so desirable with her eyes closed, her soft lips parted, and her hair flowing over the pillow like spilled honey. Overcome by a sudden impulse, he reached out and brushed a fingertip along a silky tendril. He wouldn’t do more. The river of hurt between them was too wide and too deep to be bridged by a touch.
    Her eyes flew open. She gazed up at him in the darkness, her expression guarded.
    â€œErin’s asleep,” Will whispered. “Go back to bed and get some decent rest. I’ll stay here awhile.”
    She eased away from her daughter and sat up, looking uncertain.
    â€œCome on.” Will walked around the bed and offered his hand. Sliding her feet to the floor, she took it, allowing him to pull her up without disturbing Erin. Her palm was warm and soft, but he could sense the tension in her fingers before he released them. Her mauve silk nightgown clung to her slender curves, outlining her small, perfect breasts and shadowing the V at the top of her thighs.
    Despite his resolve Will felt the heat surge through his body. His sex rose to a jutting erection beneath the old flannel robe he’d thrown on when he heard Erin. He tugged the ends of the sash to make sure the robe wouldn’t fall open and humiliate him. He slept in the raw, something Tori would doubtless remember. She might also remember how easily he became aroused. Right now, the urge to have her—to sweep her up and carry her down the hall to his room, fling her on the bed and lose himself between those long, silky legs—was driving him crazy. But the timing was all wrong. The last thing he wanted was to make a fool of himself with the one woman who could bring him down.
    Side by side they moved past the bed and out into the dimly lit hall, where they could talk without waking their daughter. Will forced himself to keep his eyes on her face. Tori was no fool. If his gaze wandered to her body in that sexy nightgown, she would be aware of it.
    â€œIt’s all right,” she said. “I can stay with her until morning.”
    â€œNo, get some rest,” he told her. “You’ve got a busy day ahead, and I’m not sleeping worth a dang, anyway. If you need to go back to town in the morning, you can borrow that spare red truck. But for now, I hope you’ll leave Erin here. After what happened tonight, I don’t think she’s ready to go back to school.”
    â€œFor once, I agree with you,” she said. “I’ll talk to the school tomorrow. Whatever happens, Erin’s welfare comes first. Agreed?”
    â€œAgreed. Whatever happens. ” Dark possibilities played like a slide show through Will’s mind. How will it feel, he wondered, hearing prison doors slam shut, knowing I’ll be an old man by the time they open again for me?
    Tori must’ve sensed his anxiety. She turned toward him, a softness in her eyes. One hand reached up to brush the collar of his worn flannel bathrobe. “I can’t believe you’re still wearing this old

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