
Free Unintentional by MK Harkins

Book: Unintentional by MK Harkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: MK Harkins
happens so often, she’s used to it. She sits down right across from me, and her assistant plops down on the seat to her right. Her assistant looks like she’s trying not to smile. That’s right, she was laughing yesterday. I look back over at Laurel; she peers back intently.
    My breath escapes involuntarily as I look into her eyes, another thing I neglected to notice yesterday. Her eyes. Eyes like I’ve never seen before, light brown with threads of blue – exotic and stunning. Right now, though, those eyes look a little pissed. That would be myfault. Shit. Shit. Shit. I don’t think an apology will be enough for this girl.
    Okay, I better just launch right in. “Thanks for meeting me. I’m Cade, by the way. I don’t think we’ve been introduced properly.” I look closely to see if this has thawed her any. Nope.
    But she nods and reaches over, giving me her hand. “I’m Laurel, and this is my assistant, Sophie,” she replies in a very businesslike, professional manner.
    I take her hand and shake it, but, for some reason I don’t let go right away. This must be some delayed reaction to the humiliation I felt about yesterday’s episode. I reluctantly release my hold and reach over to Sophie. Sophie shakes my hand, accompanied by a knowing grin and a giggle. I immediately like her.
    I rub my sweaty palms on my jeans. “I’d like to apologize for yesterday. As I said, I haven’t been myself.”
    Should I make him squirm some more? Hmm. He looks so earnest, sitting across from me. I almost feel bad for him. Almost.
    I ask, “So, Cade, I’m curious, why did you think we were hookers?” I’ve said this a little loud, and a few people turn to look.
    Cade looks like he wants to be anywhere but here. He leans on the table and puts his hands over his face. It looks like he has a headache and is rubbing his temples.
    He shrugs. “Scott told me he had a surprise for me and to be ready at seven. You arrived at exactly seven. I, uh, thought you were my surprise.” He stops suddenly and holds up his hands. “I didn’t want that type of surprise, but it reminded me of something Scott would do. Not that I wouldn’t want you, but…” He shuts his mouth quickly, knowing he’s digging himself in deeper.
    Now I’m starting to feel a little bad for him. Sophie chokes on her water next to me. I knew she wouldn’t be able to get through this lunch without losing it. I don’t know why she thinks this is so hilarious. I give her shin a good kick and reply to Cade.
    “It’s forgotten. Obviously, you’ve given Sophie a good laugh.”
    I pause to glare at her. Cade smiles at Sophie. He seems grateful.
    He asks, “How did you get my address anyway?”
    This conversation has taken a sudden shift. Now it’s my turn tobe embarrassed. I can feel the heat start to rise from my neck up to my face. He’s looking at me, waiting for my answer.
    I look over at Sophie for help. We didn’t plan this part of the meeting. She’s looking up at the ceiling, ever so nonchalantly, obviously enjoying my discomfort.
    “We kinda followed Scott,” I answer. “But wait. Before you come to any conclusions, it was only as a last resort. We really wanted to talk with you, but Scott wouldn’t give us any information. We sincerely are the most honest, reliable people to work with. Really.”
    At that very moment, I hear a loud British accent. It’s Handsome British Man. He’s headed right for our table.
    “Hey! It’s my beautiful friends from the airport.” He looks over at Sophie. “Are you feeling better?” he asks.
    She looks confused. “Sure. Yes, I’m doing fine, thank you.”
    He leans over to Cade, offering his hand. “You must be the husband. It’s nice to meet you.”
    Cade raises one eyebrow as he looks over at me. “Yes, I’m the lucky man. My wife is something else.”
    Handsome British Man replies, “If I had a looker like that, I’d be daft to let her out of my sight. Bloody hell, they don’t

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