Hard To Resist

Free Hard To Resist by Janelle Denison

Book: Hard To Resist by Janelle Denison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janelle Denison
    “Was it as good for you as it was for me?”
    Jake Copeland's husky, sex-infused voice washed over Renee Griffen, making her shiver all over again. “Oh, yeah, it was spectacular.”
    Her face warmed at the realization that she'd just had Skype sex with the same guy she'd willing gone all the way with at the end of her senior year in high school, based on a mutual pact that neither one of them wanted to head out into the real world as inexperienced virgins. Unfortunately, the experience had been less than earth-shattering. For both of them.
    Now, ten years later, and that boy had become a devastatingly gorgeous man who knew exactly what to say and do to make a woman unravel and come apart—without even physically touching her. She couldn't believe that she'd let his seduction go so far, but then again, things had been heading in this direction ever since they'd reconnected on Facebook a little over a month ago. They'd gone from getting reacquainted via emails, to flirtatious phone calls, then more intimate Skype sessions.
    But for as much as they'd shared, she wasn't sure how to define this long distance relationship. It was something they'd never talked about, and she honestly had no idea how Jake felt about them . And it didn't help matters that she lived in Chicago, and he resided in Atlanta working for a marketing firm, which made it even more difficult to pursue a deeper and more lasting connection.
    Smiling shyly at her laptop's web cam, she readjusted the thin straps of the lacey camisole top she'd worn so that her breasts were covered once again. “The only thing that would have made it better was you being here in person.”
    “Yeah, we need to arrange that,” he agreed, his blue eyes still holding remnants of lust and heat from their steamy encounter.
    He braced his forearms on his desk and leaned closer to his own camera. He'd taken off his shirt just before things had gotten down and dirty, displaying a nicely muscled chest that she wished she could reach out and stroke and caress right through her monitor. As fun and sexy as this live video chat had been, and for as much as she enjoyed reconnecting with Jake, the entire situation left her wanting so much more .
    “There's always our ten year high school reunion next month.” She bit her bottom lip as she threw out the suggestion. One that would hopefully help them to figure out where all this was heading.
    He dragged his fingers through his dark hair, making the thick strands stick up in places. Disheveled looked very good on him. “You know, I've been thinking about that, too.”
    Her heart leapt with hope. “And?”
    A slow, sinful smile curved the corners of his sensual lips. “What do you think about meeting up at the reunion for a do-over?”
    She tipped her head to the side. “A do-over?”
    “Yeah. A do-over of our first time together after grad night.” He playfully waggled his brows at her. “You have to admit that having sex for the first time in the backseat of my cramped Honda Civic was awkward and less than satisfying. For you, anyways,” he said, acknowledging that at least he'd achieved gratification.
    She laughed, easily recalling that eight-second ride that had left her wondering what the fuss about sex was all about. “Yeah, it was over pretty quickly.”
    He groaned, his expression pained. “I swear I've got way more staying power now.”
    Oh, she believed him. They'd just spent half an hour sexually teasing one another over Skype and drawing out their releases, so she knew the man could definitely go the distance. And oh, Lord, the things he'd told her that he wanted to do to her—how he wanted to suck on her nipples and go down on her before fucking her hard and fast—made her hot all over again. It had been that last declaration that had sent her over the edge, and him, too. Their orgasms had been simultaneous, and watching his expression as he climaxed had increased her own pleasure.
    If he was that

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