No Laughter Here

Free No Laughter Here by Rita Williams-Garcia

Book: No Laughter Here by Rita Williams-Garcia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rita Williams-Garcia
like he was hosting a PTA meeting. Vice Principal Skinner wore a gray suit with a burgundy tie. Come to think of it, Vice Principal Skinner always wore a suit. He attended a lot of parent meetings.
    Juwan told his side first. He said, “I was dribbling abasketball, not even bothering them, and she punched me in the nose.”
    My mother wasn’t an eyeball roller, but this time she couldn’t help herself.
    Miss Spenser said, “I don’t send my son to school to fight. Your child”—she pointed at Mom—“should keep her hands to herself.”
    Mom coughed to keep from laughing. If I didn’t know my mother was going to punish me later, I would have truly enjoyed all of this.
    Vice Principal Skinner said, with the utmost confidence in me, “Akilah, tell us your side.”
    I stood up, cleared my throat, and said, “I hit Juwan Spenser as hard as I could.” Then I took my seat.

Sitting with Miss Lady
    You do not apologize when you are not sorry. You do not pretend that you’ve learned your lesson even if you are allowed back into class by saying those two little words. Even if Vice Principal Skinner promises to take your reasons into account. Even if your mother orders you to apologize and is humiliated and angry when you will not. Even if Miss Spenser uses your refusal to apologize as a weapon against you and your mother. Even if you will face an unimaginable punishment when you get home. You do not apologize when you know that you would do it again.
    My mother was furious. Too furious to speak to me as we walked home.
    â€œGo upstairs,” she said. “Don’t come out for any reason whatsoever.” She sounded like Auntie Cass telling my cousins, “Go get me a tree switch.”
    I was called downstairs for dinner later.
    I could bear my mother’s anger because it made me brave, like a warrior going through a trial. That was howI felt fighting for Victoria. Like the true Girl Warrior my dad always says I am.
    What I couldn’t take was my father’s disappointment. His woundedness. His face.
    â€œWhy, Akilah? Why?”
    â€œI can’t talk about it,” I said.
    â€œWhy?” he persisted. “You don’t have to be afraid of Juwan.”
    His babying me made Mom fly into a rage. “She better be afraid of me ! She better be afraid of what I might do!”
    I was sent to my room to reflect.
    The doorbell rang. I peeked out of my window and saw the top of Victoria’s head. She had brought my books and homework and probably my classwork for today and tomorrow. That’s what your “class buddy” does when you are sick. Nelson stood at her side.
    I wanted to love Nelson once again and feel myself falling over a cliff at the sight of him. I kept myself steady, remembering that Nelson didn’t stand tall when Victoria needed him. Only I was prepared to do that.
    I watched Victoria and Nelson walk past the elm trees and out of view.
    For the next three school days I had to stay with Miss Lady while my mother went to work. Miss Lady seemed pleased to have something to do besides walking Gigi and picking bugs off her rosebush. She sat on a stool and watched as Iconverted decimals into fractions. She watched as I read two chapters of Last Summer with Maizon . Then she watched as I wrote my book report.
    â€œNone of that staring into space, young lady,” she said whenever I paused to collect my thoughts.
    â€œI have to think before I write,” I explained. This is true, because my mother goes through my reports and essays and writes, “What do you mean by this?” whenever she thinks I’m talking out of my head.
    â€œNo dawdling, Akilah. I want your mother to see your progress.”
    Mom made it clear that I was not to enjoy myself in Miss Lady’s home. There was to be no TV, no radio, no long talks about nothing, and no playing with Gigi. Obviously Mom knows nothing

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