Vows of a Vampire

Free Vows of a Vampire by Ann Cory

Book: Vows of a Vampire by Ann Cory Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Cory
and smelling of fresh green apples, she quickly dried off and slipped on her robe, its fabric cool against her skin. In the kitchen she looked through cupboards and the fridge for something light to sate her appetite, settling on yogurt with fresh peaches. It tasted sweeter than ever and she savoured each spoonful. In between bites, she realised she couldn’t stop smiling.
    Back in her room she sat at the vanity and took her time applying makeup. When Varick returned she wanted to look perfect. Decadent. She chose a striking red dress that hugged all her curves and matching red pumps. Hair long and slightly tousled, she beamed at her reflection. Yeah, she looked damn good. Wait until he saw her.
    A bright flash of light broke her gaze from the mirror. Aubrey stepped up to the window and looked out, barely able to see through the rain. Trees and bushes swayed recklessly in the wind. She was surprised to see it so dark out at only six. Shivers shot up her back when a terrifying boom of thunder broke out and vibrated the windowpanes. She hoped Varick would arrive soon.
    Another streak of light illuminated the sky and all the lights in the neighbourhood went out. She stood in the eerie quiet of the dark, her muscles tense. Aubrey hated the dark. Hand out in front of her, she felt her way to the dining room. In the third drawer of the hutch she grabbed an armful of candles and shuffled a few steps forward until her leg bumped the dining table. She set them down and felt around for the lighter.
    Something smooth glided along her hand, startling her. She moved back until she hit the wall.
    “Is someone there? Varick?”
    She didn’t think it could be him. Another flash lit the room and streaked across the face of a stranger.
    Aubrey’s blood drained from her face. “Who are you? What are you doing here?”
    An image of her mother running around the house, shrieking popped in her mind. Oh God, was this person here to kill her too?
    A dusky voice spoke, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand straight up.
    “I’m Luke, a friend of Varick’s. Actually, I guess you could call him my brother.”
    If she could get to the kitchen, she’d grab the butcher knife. Until then, she pressed up against the wall as if it were her safety net. “He didn’t mention anything about you coming here.”
    A series of short flashes revealed he’d closed the distance between them and she fought the scream rising in her throat.
    “Well, I confess, he doesn’t actually know about my being here. He probably wouldn’t appreciate it too much.”
    “Then why don’t you go,” she offered, hoping to sound brave.
    His wicked chuckle made her skin prickle. “No, I think I’ll stay, thank you. Did you know that a vampire can smell the blood of a mortal from hundreds of miles away?”
    She didn’t like where this was going. “N-no. Why are you telling me this?”
    “Varick made a mistake in bringing you to our coven. It’s not your fault, but unfortunately you’re the one who will have to suffer for it.”
    Aubrey worried she wouldn’t make it to the kitchen and tried to think up another plan. With the triple locks on her front door, she’d never get out in time. Funny how that worked. “I’d like you to go. You’re scaring me.”
    His voice sounded close. “You have every reason to be afraid. I promise to go easy on you.”
    It took everything in her to not freak out. “What are you going to do?”
    He sidled up to her quickly, his hands wrapping tight around her middle. Aubrey screamed and struggled to free herself from his grasp, but he held her tight.
    The lightning lit up the room briefly, long enough for her to see that behind the fair-haired vampire stood another man, his face dark with red eyes.
    “About time you got here Denzen. Help me pin her down.”
    Her pulse pounded. “No, I beg you. If you go, I won’t mention you were here to anyone.”
    His lips tangled against her hair as he spoke. “Sweetheart, no one will

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