A Magnetic Couple Dilemma (Unfinished Liaisons Series)

Free A Magnetic Couple Dilemma (Unfinished Liaisons Series) by Naaju Rorrete

Book: A Magnetic Couple Dilemma (Unfinished Liaisons Series) by Naaju Rorrete Read Free Book Online
Authors: Naaju Rorrete
women attractive, he knew when someone had a nice body.
She didn't. Her breasts were tiny, and his own ass probably looked better.
    Javier shook his head. He usually didn't think like that
about people, his thoughts were a reflection of her attitude. He sat on a couch
and listened to their arguments without paying attention until Carly exclaimed,
"Two daddies! That's perfect, because I have two and it has been great,
I've always gotten more presents than other kids."
    Jesus! What had Raul offered? Javier paid attention this
time as Diego was speaking.
    "Raul, are you sure?" Cool, he said his name.
Javier was amazed by the second, but Raul wasn't.
    It was the first time Javier witnessed them exchanging
anything other than insults. So he listened when Raul answered, "Yes, if
you are. Think about it, you will be the legal father, no matter if I'm the
biological, and I will give you a sum every month to help with the baby's
support, voluntary, of course."
    Diego observed him suspiciously.
    "That sounds too good to be true."
    Raul seemed to be losing the patience he showed until then.
    "Ask Esteban if there is a way I can commit without
going to court, since you will never take my word for real."
    Then Carly spoke for the first time, standing next to Raul
and stroking his arm absentmindedly.
    "I believe you, Raul."
    Carly was clinging to him and Javier wondered if he should
leave before they engaged in another threesome. Surprisingly, Raul seemed to be
cold toward her, not rude, simply distant. Slowly, as if he didn't want to
upset her, he removed her delicate hand from his arm and said staring at Diego,
"I won't deceive you about this. If you assumed the baby's paternity, I
will provide anything financial."
    Diego pulled Carly to his side and hugging her said,
"Sure, I will be the baby's father, but I have a question."
    Raul narrowed his eyes before inviting him. "Go
    "Will you be part of the baby's life?"
    Apparently, the other expected another question, because he
said, "I don't know yet."
    Diego insisted. "I need to know."
    While he talked Diego held Carly from behind and she leaned
against him, they both were about the same height, so her head could easily
rest on Diego's right shoulder. They looked good together, and when he caressed
her belly and nudged her nape, Javier thought he knew what they found in one
another. Comfort.
    Raul pressed his full lips together and stared at them,
before explaining.
    "Well, I have four boys, if he is a boy, you might want
him to meet and play with his brothers, if the baby is a girl, I still want
them to meet her, just in case, so they know who their sister is."
    As soon as Raul gave his response, he started walking toward
the door as if he couldn't wait to escape. Diego followed him.
    "What about you, Raul?"
    He whirled from the very door and said, "Listen, Diego,
you wanted a child, right? Yes, I know, you did. Now you got it thanks to me
and I'll never take it away from you. So, stop pushing me, we cross that bridge
when we get there."
    "If you don't burn it first."
    Raul scowled and left without looking back.
    Javier didn't know what to think about the whole drama, but
Carly was extra happy for some reason only she knew, while Diego seemed
worried. Javier patted him on the shoulder before going to his room.
"Everything will be all right, and if Raul doesn't behave, Esteban will
make sure he does."
    It had been then when Diego suggested Javier perform his
music for the Hidalgo family, in particular, Doña Elvira, who as a benefactor
for a few symphony orchestras in the Tri-state area, could recommend him as an
orchestral musician, even if Javier only wanted the position part time. The
woman was also Esteban's father's mother, and the bane of Doña Vibi's
existence. The mother-in-law from hell, as Esteban's mother declared
    "You're talented, I can't let that talent go to
waste," had been Diego's motto until Javier accepted to do a mini concerto
for the family. For

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