The Wraith's Story (BRIGAND Book 1)

Free The Wraith's Story (BRIGAND Book 1) by Natalie French, Scot Bayless

Book: The Wraith's Story (BRIGAND Book 1) by Natalie French, Scot Bayless Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natalie French, Scot Bayless
quick search of his coat pockets I found his identification papers and a new platinum scrip card. Nice.
    Cutter taught me to never waste time. I found the address to the corresponding scrip repository and went there immediately to drain the account before anyone found out the Jovian was dead. With the key, and his print card I would be fine. I had stolen from him twice now, but this time was his fault.
    It felt good to be alive. Or maybe it was the brush with death that felt good. I didn't really know — or care.
    When I arrived at the bank, I realized it was Jovian. I should have turned away. But adrenaline pumped through me from the fight and my years away from the Templum had made me more emotional — even reckless.
    Since my body had been allowed to naturally mature, I also had bigger breasts than other Wraiths. I used all of it to my advantage. I applied a thin layer of grime to my face and visible skin. I pulled my black leather corset a bit lower, then pulled some of the longer strands of my jet black hair over the front of my face. My pants were skin tight. My boot heels were high. The red flowing skirt that skimmed my leather-clad thighs looked fashionable, but when needed, I could fling up the corner, the underside was black, and it fit up and over my head as a cloak. I didn't need to hide in gray and white anymore. I could hide in darkness — a night Wraith.
    In my grief over losing Cutter, and my fear, a new Trig birthed. She felt a little crazy. She felt a little wild. Actually, she felt pretty good.
    I entered the underground bank and produced the two papers to the check-in clerk — a fat man with a small knobby head and greenish bumps on his neck. He barely glanced up, got as far as my chest, and stopped short. Good boy.
    He muttered the call back number to the even shorter, fatter Jovian in the back room. After three minutes the second one, and a third, entered the greeting hall, each carrying several stacks of thin platinum.
    That much money was unexpected. In one second I found a pocket, slipped into it and moved directly in front of the two Jovians who were holding the money. I grabbed the stacks and shoved them into slots at the back of my corset before either of them registered that their hands were empty.
    The first one screamed, "Wraith!" and three more of them came running from the back room. Each of them began wildly swinging their arms in every direction. They knew they wouldn't be able to see me, but in the small space they had a fair shot at making contact. I back flipped over the shorter one, and kicked the bald one who bore the unfortunate burden of already having a flat face. My high kick to the nose didn't help him much.
    They were closing in — moving in a tight circle while flailing wildly. I dove to the floor, found a low pocket in between two fatter ones, barely able to distinguish one from another, and slid out the front door. It would take them a moment to realize I was no longer in the room.
    I ran.
    I heard their footsteps behind me sooner than I'd hoped. Allowing myself one quick glance over my shoulder I saw them, eight total, less than two hundred meters behind me. For tubby Squats, they were pretty fast.
    My alternatives fanned out in front of me — an alleyway to the right. My map recall told me it would be a dead end. I'd be trapped. There was a scalable wall but the residents of the building were even worse than the ones chasing me. Not a viable option.
    To the left was a sewage run. I'd spent too much time in the sewers. Another dead end.
    Dead center, less than fifty meters ahead was big, muscular guy, loading up an external cargo pod on a hop-ship. He looked strong — military. But he wasn't wearing armor so maybe this guy wasn't active. I might be able to handle one off-duty Jack on my own.
    I sprinted directly into him. He caught me easily. I barely even nudged his thick body. I'd expected him to at least sway a bit, giving me the chance to pocket my way into

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