Night Bites

Free Night Bites by Amber Lynn

Book: Night Bites by Amber Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber Lynn
would like to move on to the weights. They will probably be the last thing we do today, are you guys ready for it?”
    Phee immediately bounces up, trying to act chipper and ready for anything, but clearly wishing for a thirty-minute break. “Let's do it,” she says walking to the other side of the gym. Sam, not wanting to be outdone, follows slowly behind her.
    “Alex, can you assist?” I ask skipping along behind them. I bet Sebastian is the strongest of us, but he isn't the same species, so I don't want them to get unrealistic hopes of what they could achieve.
    “Right behind you,” he replies getting in line. I point to one of our all-in-one weight machines and he takes a seat while removing his shirt.
    I hear a little startled “wow” from Phee. Yeah, my wolfy man leaves you kind of speechless. She better hope Sam doesn't catch her eyes falling out of her skull. He might get a little upset.
    “As I hope you both know, Alex is an exceptionally well trained soldier. It has taken him years to get into the condition he is in now, so don't expect overnight results. Alex, what weight can I set this to?”
    “On this, I can do a ton,” he says not surprising me at all. At my size, I can only do about six-fifty on a good day. I adjust the dial for a ton and then let him do a couple reps to show how the exercise is done.
    “Thank you, Alex,” I say tilting my head to indicate he can vacate the seat. “Now that you know what you are going to be doing, I will set it back down to one hundred pounds. We will start there and work your way up in intervals of twenty-five to see where you are both at. The final goals for you will be about five hundred for Phee and eight hundred for Sam. I think those are reasonable goals, but only time and training will tell for sure.”
    After they both have their turns, Phee ends up at one fifty and Sam is at three hundred. Many hours of weight training is added to their hurdle jumping in my mind, just as I expected, but at least now we have goals set and I can come up with ways to get them there while training them how not to get their asses handed to them.
    “That's it for today, so if you guys want to head back to Sam's cell to have a little chat, you are free to go,” I say walking over to collect Clyde who is still snoring. His little feet are moving like he is chasing something in his dreams. It is kind of cute. I imagine the object he is chasing is Sebastian. They kind of have a thing going on between them.
    I was going to go over general rules and regulations, but I think they both understand to do what I say and don’t give me any shit about it.

Chapter 10
    Don’t bring a Hellhound home to meet Daddy
    When we get up to the apartment, I lay Clyde on my bed to snuggle in for the night. His little snores still are making me laugh.
    It is still pretty early, so I want to check my work email and see if there is anything to keep my mind off current events. Finding a few clients that have legitimate kills lined up for me would make my night.
    The shadows follow behind and I work hard to put up blinders. It only works so far because Sebastian is again trying to touch me. He attempts to play with my hair. I am not amused.
    “Calm down,” Alex commands through our link. “I don't know what I would do if our connection just dropped one day, but I could still physically see you. When we lost contact when you were first taken, I pictured you dead for a brief second myself. Then I remembered there is no way someone could take my girl down. You have way too hard of a head.”
    “I am trying to let it go. I just wish he wasn't acting so needy. He is stronger than this and he knows I hate being touched,” I reply trying to state my case.
    Not wanting to continue with the short mental conversation, I switch to vocalizing my desires. “Sebastian, is there anything I can do to make things easier for you that doesn't involve constant touch?”
    “Nope. Everything I can think of

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