A Dragonlings' Haunted Halloween: Dragonlings of Valdier
    Emma brushed a kiss to Alice’s cheek as she
pulled out of Ha’ven’s arms. Focusing, she held her hands out for
her and Alice’s brooms. She grinned up at Ha’ven when they appeared
in her palms.
    “I’m getting better,” she said in
    Ha’ven’s eyes ran down over her slender form
dressed in the witch’s costume. His eyes lingered on the slight
swell of her breasts showing in the low cut top. Hunger gripped
    “So am I,” he muttered, sweeping his arm
back around her and focusing on their living quarters.
    Emma’s muffled laughter was cut short as
Ha’ven teleported them to their living quarters. For once, he
didn’t give a damn who knew what he could do. He just wanted to be
alone with his little family.

Chapter 10
    Abby laughed as she chased Zohar through the
small village. He loved the Paint House. Abby had been in charge of
creating the activities for the village.
    She had made sure each house had something
different to offer. Some were designed for the kids to play virtual
games in, others were for them to do simple arts and crafts, while
still others held the old-fashion games found at the local fairs
from back home.
    “Momma,” Zohar giggled as he patted the
crystal ball in the center square that talked to the kids. “Momma
    Abby chuckled as Zohar patted the crystal
ball again to ‘wake’ her up. She was just thankful that Zohar had
stopped for a moment as she drew in a deep breath. Stopping behind
him, she waited to see if the programming worked like it was
supposed to.
    “Hi sweetie,” the imitation Abby said with a
smile. “What do you want to play today?”
    “Paint!” Zohar shouted in excitement,
slapping the ball. “Momma, paint!”
    The imitation Abby’s head turned until she
was looking at the Paint House. “Paint, it is. Have fun,
    Abby sighed as Zohar called out a goodbye
and took off for the house that suddenly lit up in bright colors.
The faint sound of music could be heard coming from the inside.
Shaking her head, she started after him.
    “Thank goodness the paint disappears,” Abby
muttered with a weary laugh as she watched Zohar run to the bucket
of blue, which was currently his favorite color.
    The engineers, with Cara’s help, had
designed a special ‘paint’ for Abby when she tried to figure out a
way for the kids to be creative without it being a disaster for the
parent. This paint felt and appeared real, but was made up of a
non-toxic powder that disappeared after a few minutes.
    Zohar loved it when she showed him how he
could rub it on the walls, floors, even his body and then watch it
fade away. Now, he was running blue streaks along the floor while
Goldie, in the shape of a large dog, had decided to dip each paw in
a different color and walk around.
    Abby slid down on one of the seats and laid
her head back. A yawn escaped her and her eyes drooped as she
watched the Symbiot and Zohar play. She wished she had their energy
right now, but Zoran had done a pretty good job of tiring her out
    “Goldie, keep a good eye on Zohar,” Abby
called out in a tired voice. “I’m not thinking to clearly right
    The golden symbiot turned and sneezed in
acknowledgement as Zohar, now with blue feet, clung to its tail as
it pulled him around the room. The combination of exhaustion,
relaxing back on the soft seat, and the music, soon pulled Abby
into a light sleep.
    “I’ll close my eyes for just a minute,” she
murmured as she slid sideways on the bench and curled her long legs
up on it.
    Zoran stumbled into the village and turned
with a scowl. He was on the opposite side of the cavern from where
he had planned. After he pulled himself out of the river, he had
found himself on the far side of it.
    He had planned to cut through a narrow cut
between the rocks, but another one of those damn storms that Cara
seemed fond of had sent a torrential burst of rain down on him. He
swore his hair almost got scorched

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