Ghosts of Empire (Book 4 of The Empire of Bones Saga)

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Book: Ghosts of Empire (Book 4 of The Empire of Bones Saga) by Terry Mixon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terry Mixon
Tags: adventure, Space Opera, Military science fiction
can you do that?”
    “Of course, Admiral,” the AI said. “What name would you like to use for our deception?”
    He pursed his lips for a moment. “Let’s go with Athena . And you’ll need to tone down your interaction. You need to sound less capable.”
    “This unit will comply, Admiral.”
    “Perfect. Now, let’s talk about the meeting. I’m envisioning Princess Kelsey and myself as our faces. I’ll also need a flag captain.”
    Graves smiled. “I’m ready to fill the roll.”
    Jared shook his head. “You have to be on Courageous . What if they need to know who commands that ship later? No, it needs to be someone that’s here all the time.”
    He looked at Zia. “And since you’ve been acting as my executive officer that makes you the logical choice. You’ll need new rank tabs, Captain.”
    The woman’s eyes bulged a little. “I know it’s only pretend, but I was a lieutenant a week ago, sir. I’m feeling a little out of my depth.”
    “Who said I was making this up?” Jared turned to Kelsey. “I’d rather have someone I trust implicitly at my back when trouble comes calling.”
    Kelsey nodded decisively. “That’s the right choice. Invincible , please log Zia Anderson’s promotion to Captain and her assignment as flag captain of this ship.”
    “Promotion and assignment logged, Highness. Congratulations, Captain Anderson. I look forward to working with you.”
    Zia swallowed hard, her skin going pale. “This is crazy. I’m the tactical officer from a destroyer. I don’t have the experience to command a ship like this.”
    Jared shook his head. “I’ve seen you fight, Zia. Never doubt for a moment that you have what it takes. I was only a destroyer captain when this started. We all have to step up. Imagine what the situation will be like when we get any other ships from the graveyard operational. We won’t have nearly enough people unless we promote from within.”
    The tall redhead sighed and nodded. “I understand, sir. I’ll do my best.”
    “Then we’re in excellent hands.” He looked around the group. “I’m clearing the officers from Spear and Shadow for duty, but I want to vet them more thoroughly.”
    He looked at Elise. “And I’m open to bringing some of the Pentagaran officers on board as well. We’ll need every hand we can get. Since Kelsey has authorized your people to serve, we’ll use this as a training opportunity.”
    Elise smiled. “Since at least some of these derelict ships will be coming back to Erorsi and Pentagar, I think that’s the best plan. Our people need to be able to work together seamlessly.”
    “Pardon the interruption, Admiral,” Invincible said. “The cutter you sent down to pick up the delegation has signaled they are on their way up. ETA half an hour.”
    Jared rubbed his eyes. “That figures. The one time I want them to drag their feet they’re early. It looks as though we’ll need to work out the rest of the plan on the fly. Let’s get moving, people.”
    * * * * *
    Olivia saw the brief look of confusion on Fleet Admiral Mertz’s face when she stepped out of the cutter. He’d obviously been expecting Abigail and all the mental pain that entailed. The fact that she noted the emotion at all told her a lot about the man.
    He might be used to command, but not moving in political circles. No noble with any experience would show weakness to an opponent like that.
    The man stepped away from several other officers and bowed slightly. Not as much as she was entitled to, but she wasn’t going to make an issue of it. They had more important things to worry about.
    “Welcome aboard Athena . I’m Jared Mertz. I’m afraid I was expecting someone else and don’t know who you are.”
    Olivia smiled politely. “I’m Coordinator Olivia West. I head the ruling council of Harrison’s World. Abigail works for me.”
    “Ah. I see. Coordinator West, allow me to introduce Zia Anderson, my flag captain, and Kelsey Bandar, my senior

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