Be My Banshee (Purple Door Detective Agency Book 1)

Free Be My Banshee (Purple Door Detective Agency Book 1) by Joyce Lavene, Jim Lavene

Book: Be My Banshee (Purple Door Detective Agency Book 1) by Joyce Lavene, Jim Lavene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joyce Lavene, Jim Lavene
Tags: Urban Fantasy, Fantasy & Magic, cozy mystery, Beane Sidhe
officers, O’Neill, and Malto. Sunshine had temporarily disabled the elevator to slow them down.
    “Your magic is quite dizzying,” Aine said as she got in the car. “Different than mine. I know the feel of it now, so I will recognize it in the future.”
    Sunshine wasn’t sure if that was a warning or simply an observation. She didn’t pause to think of it there. Instead she started the car and left Caeford’s lair as quickly as evening traffic would allow.
    “I knew Caeford wasn’t stupid enough to do something like that,” she said to Aine. “He would’ve taken care of it himself if he had. But that leaves us still guessing why John, and Harley Matthews were murdered.”
    “Perhaps the dragon man has given us a good suggestion,” Aine said. “If Harley Matthews’s murder was just a smokescreen for John Lancaster’s death—to lead us in the wrong direction—that could be the only thing the two have in common. Any other inquiry into that line of thinking may lead us nowhere.”
    Sunshine hit the purple steering wheel with the palm of her hand in a fit of frustrated temper. “What would someone hope to gain by hiding John’s death from me?”
    “You mean besides their life? Whoever killed John would know that you would swear blood vengeance.”
    “I suppose that’s true. I’ve never been tempted to kill another living soul—until now.”
    “Then we shall need to find the killer to ask that question, but taking the dragon man off our list, who does that leave behind?”
    “It’s not easy to kill a werewolf.” Sunshine ran her hand through her hair. “I don’t know what creature could have done it but it had to be strong and there had to be magic.”
    “We agree on that. I am unfamiliar with the creatures that dwell here. But surely none have enough magic that they would not fear your reprisal.”
    “Hey!” Sunshine smiled at her. “Thanks.”
    “It was not a compliment, merely an observation.”
    “I see. Well, thanks anyway. I’m kind of powerful. I keep it hidden so no one suspects. I don’t want people to fear me, but it’s nice to be respected.”
    Aine agreed. “You are moderately strong. But you certainly have potential.”
    Sunshine began going through a list of creatures that could have killed John and were present in the city. “Of course, another werewolf could fit the bill. Definitely Caeford, but he’s one of a kind. I don’t know of another dragon for thousands of miles, although I’ve heard of one in California. A really strong witch could have killed him, but I think we both would’ve sensed that much magic. And I don’t see a witch making a mess like that, do you? There are a few older vampires around but they’re kind of settled, you know?”
    “Tame,” Aine added. “What about local demons? Or other shapeshifters—besides one of your mouse woman’s strength. Quite obviously, she could not have killed a wolf.”
    “There are other shifters.” Sunshine shrugged. “I’ve met some of them. They could be powerful enough to kill John. I’ll have Jane print a list of them for us to track down.”
    They made a quick stop at a small grocery store to resupply the office. When they finally got back to the agency, Jane was waiting anxiously at the door.
    “I found something interesting about the man on the roof.” Her eyes were glued on the bags in Sunshine’s arms. “Did you get everything? I’m starving.”
    “Yes. I got everything. Show me what you found and you can eat.” Sunshine held the bags away from Jane’s twitching nose and eager hands.
    “Oh. Of course. Let’s look at the computer.”
    They gathered around the flat-screen monitor. Aine touched a finger to it and watched the screen’s negative response. Sunshine laughed and told her that she should just look at it.
    “I did a thorough search.” Jane pulled up several dozen files. “Harley Matthews had some interesting clients at Tattoo Hell , including John.”
    “John had a tattoo done

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