Fear of Mystics (Saga of Mystics Book 2)

Free Fear of Mystics (Saga of Mystics Book 2) by Chris Walters

Book: Fear of Mystics (Saga of Mystics Book 2) by Chris Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Walters
eyes. “After all of these years, all I wanted was a reprieve from the deployments. Only since the Event, have I been able to make sure you stay home.”
                  Ted felt a guilt that had once been familiar spread into his chest.  He had left her home so many times, as he headed off to foreign wars.  But this was different. “These are not foreign wars,” He said, trying to comfort her. “This, I am doing to protect our family and friends. To make sure our daughter grows up in safety and with all of the provisions she needs.”
                  There was a long silence.  Finally, Kayla responded. “I understand.” It was all she said, and she turned around and went back into their home. She was not going to see him off.
                  Ted continued out toward the center of the Bluffs, to where he would meet up with his team.  They had a plan, and Ted wanted to make sure they followed it. They would tour a few areas mentioned by the itineracies, going south for a bit, then straight north through the center of town and, eventually end up on the east side.  Ted would assess this Faith himself and see if there was peace to be made.
                  As he rounded a corner, he was surprised to see a row of mountain bikes lined up. “Hey! Where did we get these?”
                  Rich walked up and shook his hand. “Anthony found that bike rental place untouched.  Apparently, it never occurred to anyone to grab bikes when the cars stopped working.”
                  “Well done, Johnson!” Ted called out to the former soldier.
                  “Thanks, Sarge!” Anthony called back.
                  Ted was the last to arrive, and there were many more than the team there to see them off. Only Ted had no one to see him off.  Kayla had, of course, returned to their home and Max was nowhere to be seen.  Jordan was hugging Emma off to one side, while Anthony’s young girlfriend was handing him a loaded backpack. Rich was leaving instructions to the young pastor who would see to the chapel in his absence, the same who had seen to it during his itineracy. Antwon’s wife and kids were there to say goodbye, and Kin was trying to hug his brother, who would have none of it. Ted looked closely at the young man, he had a clear discomfort to his affect.
                  Ted walked up to Cliff. “You doing okay, bud?” He reached out to put a hand on Cliff’s shoulder, but the boy winced and pulled away.
                  “Yeah, it is just a rash. It is something I picked up on the itineracy, but it will fix itself.” Cliff wouldn’t even look at Ted.
                  “You are probably right, but go see Adam before we leave.” Ted wanted to make sure his whole team was healthy, but he also cared a great deal about Cliff Ko.
                  “Adam already returned to the Hillside.” Cliff responded. “It will be okay.”
                  “No.” Ted firmly stated. “It will not be okay.  I need you checked out before we go.  Who is the best healer here right now?”
                  Nat responded, Kin was here to see her off as well. “Got to be Jack.”
                  “Then, go see Jack.  It won’t take long and maybe he can give you some comfort.” Ted wasn’t even done talking when the boy stomped off toward the healer’s area.
                  “Sorry about my brother.” Kin said.
                  “I served with a lot of teens, son, this is nothing new.” Ted replied. Kin smiled gratefully.
                  After about fifteen minutes, Cliff returned, seemingly a little better.  Jack walked next to him.
                  “Everything okay with Cliff?” Ted called out.
                  Jack nodded. “He will be okay. It isn’t contagious and I helped his

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