Afterlife (Afterlife Saga)

Free Afterlife (Afterlife Saga) by Stephanie Hudson

Book: Afterlife (Afterlife Saga) by Stephanie Hudson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Hudson
as a child. I got it into my head that if you spent too long in the bath you would grow old quicker and get wrinkles.
    I looked in the mirror at my face and frowned, no wrinkles, but I looked so pale even though I had just come out of a hot shower and the bathroom was still steamy. I wiped the mirror again with my arm and noticed dark purplish circles around my eyes. No wonder Libby thought I looked ill; I looked like something from an old black and white horror movie.  Considering I’d had a good sleep this afternoon my body felt tired and sluggish.
    I dried myself and changed into my sweat pants and a vest top with an old hooded zip up my dad had given me years ago. One he used to fit into until a beer belly had gotten to him. He knew it was one of my favourites. It had his old college football team logo on the front and it was lined with fleece inside. Most of all, it reminded me of home and kept me warm in more ways than one.
    I tidied my room before getting into bed, mainly wanting to find my book.  It was strange though, my room looked as though someone else had been here. Had I taken it with me this morning? I would have to check my bag. I shook the feeling off and put it down to the stress. I was like this when I first started taking the drugs that the doctor had prescribed me. I didn’t know whether I was coming or going. I would do something completely random and then wouldn’t remember why or what I had done. It was one of the reasons I had stopped taking my medication. It made me numb and in my opinion not a nice person to be around. The only thing I did still take was sleeping pills. Now they did work but I still would be a bit hazy on the details before I slept, as they made me a little incoherent should we say.
    Which made me wonder, could I have taken some after Libby had rushed out to work?  It was possible.
    I decided it didn’t matter. I'd done enough thinking about it. I got into bed and started reading some course material. It was about time, as I was starting college in a week and they had sent me a reading list. I had an advantage though, I had already done the first year in England but as my plans had to change I decided that it was best to start over from scratch. Towards the end I had missed a lot of work and found it impossible to catch up, not that I wanted to at that point. But at least I would be ahead to start with anyway. I was looking forward to History the most. I loved History. I used to watch all the documentaries on the history channel with my dad since I was a child, only now I understood them better.
    My Grandparents had a huge library in their house in Cornwall and it was full of historical books of all eras. I used to sit for hours on an old worn rug and look at all the pictures, imagining that one day I would go to all these old temples, tombs and monuments and see them for myself. I used to pretend I was an archaeologist and I would uncover all their mysteries and secrets.
    I also loved family history, ever since I did a project in school, I was hooked and made my parents a family tree album one year for their anniversary. But my favourite kind of history had to be mythological.  I love where the stories originate from, the fantasy behind them fascinated me. Ancient Greek, Egyptian, Aztec, I just couldn’t get enough, I loved the drama of it all, the scandal of Gods, Kings and Pharaohs alike, it was my version of a gossip magazine. So naturally it was what I really wanted to study. The other classes I had just picked to fill the void. Art had been the only other passion of mine but not anymore , that had all changed.
    As now I had changed.
    There was a light tapping at my door, and I knew it to be a Libby knock.  She cautiously peeped around the door, either she didn’t want to wake me or she was worried about my mood swing earlier. I hadn’t taken it out on anyone, I very rarely did, but she could tell that something had happened since she had left and my guess was that

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