Soul Unleashed (Key to the Cursed Book 4)

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Book: Soul Unleashed (Key to the Cursed Book 4) by Jean Murray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jean Murray
knew well that Menthu’s
forces were abundant. It would take three huntresses per soldier to bring his
army down. Not to mention Nehebkaus were no match for a siravant. “We will have
to maximize weaponry. I will speak to Asar when we return.”
    “Yeah,” Kit said and stared at the list of names.
“Well, let’s get these girls saddled up before they leave too.” She turned her
back to Kamen and walked towards the temple door. “Katherine Carrigan,” she
spoke into the security keypad. The panel beeped and the hydraulic motor slid
the vacuum sealed door. It closed behind her and released the other door.
    Kamen stepped up to the glass. The undulating mass
of snakes weaved away as Kit entered the main chamber and then closed it behind
her. She smiled at the women and greeted each one personally. Kamen knew her
too well not to know the sadness she was hiding behind the mask.
    After chanting the spell, she walked up to the closest
female. He admired her grace and pose. She glanced up and met his gaze. He
should look away, but something in her eyes held him. He would miss the deep
blue hues.
    Forcing his eyes away, he stepped back from the
glass. He tuned out the women’s screams, wanting nothing more than to rip the
snakes from their spines to stop their cries of pain. Stop Kit’s pain. He
fisted his hands and forced his focus elsewhere.
    The priestess placed the scrolls back within the
shrine. His attention was drawn to the sentry standing by the door. Her eyes
tracked him as he moved back along the wall. He stopped, surprised by the
human’s boldness. Sifting through the scents in the air, he searched for the
telltale sour stench, but found none. He waited for her to look away, but she
held his gaze. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as he turned to
confront what he feared was a siravant in human’s clothing.
    The sentry bared ragged teeth and launched itself
at the priestess. Red blood splattered across the floor along with the woman’s head.
The second sentry charged Kamen and knocked him to the ground. Rolling to his
feet, he slammed his fist into the female’s face and launched her back against
the far wall. The sentry’s flesh split open, spilling black putrid blood and
filling the hall with fetid odor. It tore away at its skin and revealed the
gray disfigured body hiding beneath. The gargoyle-like creature bellowed and
unfurled its wings.
    Kamen charged the temple and activated the door.
It closed behind him just as the siravant slammed its head into the barrier. A
small fracture burst its surface, but the five inch glass held. Apep’s minion
had made a tactical error in transforming before entering the temple. The locking
mechanism required voice recognition.
    Kit’s scream jerked his gaze through the second
door to her wide panicked eyes. She lurched back from the altar, only to be
jerked forward, tethered by the female. The woman’s skin split up the spine
revealing ash colored leather scales. The siravant morphed and stretched its
wings to the ceiling of the chamber. It remained restrained but not for long.
    Kit palmed her katana from her belt and severed
the arm holding her tight. She turned and yanked at the other women’s restraints.
    The second door rolled open and spilled vipers
towards Kamen’s feet. He leapt and landed on the clear cement next to Kit.
    “We need to save them,” she cried and yanked at
the initiate’s strap.
    “Do not fight me on this.” Kamen jerked her towards
him, scanning for a way to escape. The spell on the room inhibited his ability
to dematerialize. The only way out was through the doors.
    “No.” She struggled against his hold.
    “You are too important to lose.” Gun fire and
explosions rocked the building. “ Isis , the whole building is under
    “Help them—please.” Tears edged her eyes.
    Kamen cursed and scanned the room. The demon on
the altar thrashed against the restraints. They had only seconds before it
would be

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