Soul Unleashed (Key to the Cursed Book 4)

Free Soul Unleashed (Key to the Cursed Book 4) by Jean Murray

Book: Soul Unleashed (Key to the Cursed Book 4) by Jean Murray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jean Murray
shifted in his cells, plummeting to frigid temperatures. Ice cooled
and slowed the blood in his veins. The transition left a dull ache in his skull
and bones.
    Kit rubbed her arms, smoothing away the goose bumps.
“I’ll never get used to that.”
    She stared at him in the dim lighting with her
lips pressed into a thin line. “I didn’t mean what I said yesterday. I know you
are just trying to protect me.”
    “There is no need to apologize,” Kamen said and
turned towards the door.
    “Wait.” Kit grasped his arm but released him
quickly. “I do need to apologize. I’ve been acting like a real bitch, and I
just want you to know—it’s not you, it’s just…” she paused.
    The quickening of her pulse drew him dangerously
closer. Not once had she ever opened up to him.
    “I’ve never been without my sisters. Now, I barely
see them, and when I do, my mother is there. I don’t mean to take it out on
you.” Biting her bottom lip, she stared up at him. “You are a good man—god, I
    She lifted up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek.
“Thank you.”
    He froze, struck by her words. Surprised they
could mean so much. A part of him longed for things to be good between them. Maybe
then the beast in his chest would settle, giving them the chance to explore the
sexual tension between them. He stared after her as she exited the door, not
wanting her to leave, but knowing she should.
    She looked over her shoulder, her blue eyes
measuring him.
    “Wait up.” Clamping down on his emotions, he
strode past her and up the steps. That life was a dream, he reminded himself.
This was a job, his charge to protect her. Fantasies of her would distracted
him from his objective of keeping her safe.
    He lifted the heavy iron doors and allowed her to
pass. The bright lights of the hanger hurt his eyes. Weaving around the large
iron birds, he followed Kit to the far door leading to the temple. Staying
close, he scanned the workers and the heavy machinery.
    She paused at the door, allowing him to pass
through to assess the hallway before she entered. A first. An apology and now
this? Her compliance suddenly made him uneasy. Was it another game she was
    He admonished himself for so quickly assuming the
worst. Admittedly, he had a hard time trusting others, but he did not want to
think the worst of Kit. Her sincerity had been real. And, it took courage for
her to say those things to him.
    As he rounded the corner to the temple, the stench
of venom carried in the air. Realizing he had to watch—again—his mood darkened.
    He stared in through the glass. Eight women lay
strapped to the altars. Thankfully, this was his last. Once this ceremony was
complete and Kit was back in Aaru, he would relinquish his duties to Bakari.
    Guilt flickered deep in his soul. He had not told
Kit of his resignation. Perhaps she had already been told and that was why her
behavior had changed. He steamed out a breath. She would be relieved to hear
the news because this amnesty would not last long between them. At least that was
what he told himself to ease his guilt.
    The priestess bowed and handed Kit the scroll.
Unrolling the paper, she read off the list of names. “How many more after this
    Kamen suppressed a groan. It was going to be a
long day. He rolled his shoulders to relieve the ache in his spine. While Kit
enjoyed her time away from the palace, he wanted to remain within its walls.
    “Six groups. That’s forty-eight for today—not
    “No, Madame. I mean six women.”
    “When are the other ceremonies scheduled?”
    “They’re not. There are only six initiates left,
along with these eight.”
    “What happened to the hundred we signed on last
    “Since the reven curse has been broken, most are
returning back to their lives, trying to start over again.”
    Kit pressed her hand to her forehead and looked
Kamen in the eyes. “Fourteen is not enough.”
    “No, it is not.” Kamen

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