Path of the She Wolf

Free Path of the She Wolf by Theresa Tomlinson

Book: Path of the She Wolf by Theresa Tomlinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Theresa Tomlinson
expeditions were made by the sheriff and his men to the outskirts of the woods. These fruitless searches gave much amusement to those who lived outside the law and wild new rumours spread.
    ‘Can you believe it?’ Gerta told Marian and Philippa as they sifted through the crackling leaves beneath a chestnut tree. ‘It’s whispered that the Sheriff has this strange idea that the Hooded One might be a woman!’
    Gerta continued digging her foot into the ground to drag aside the mushy green skins, leaving shining brown nuts exposed.
    ‘No!’ Marian looked up smiling, her hands full of the prickly fruit.
    ‘Oh yes! Any woman caught running wild through the woods is to be searched for weapons! Though it seems his soldiers do not often venture very far into the woods, for they fear the Forestwife’s curse on them!’
    Marian clapped her hand to her mouth, choking with laughter.
    Philippa hugged her, snorting at the joke. ‘I can’t think why the Sheriff could think such a thing! What could poor women such as us do? Pelt his men with sweet chestnuts?’
    ‘No!’ Marian howled, slapping Philippa’s large backside. ‘Now why should the silly man think that the Hooded One could be a woman?’
    Gerta smiled, understanding their mirth, but still herexpression was troubled. ‘Even nuns are to be stopped and searched,’ she said. ‘For the Sheriff declares that no respectable nun should be out walking through the woods either alone or with her sisters.’
    Marian turned solemn when she heard that and she looked at Philippa with concern. ‘Have we put the Sisters of the Magdalen in danger?’
    The taller woman shrugged her shoulders. ‘We did what we thought best. We have always done that.’
    Marian’s fears that Robert might turn into a tabby cat were soon put to flight for one morning in mid November Brother James and Philippa came riding fast through the woods from Langden with frightening news.
    ‘You must get up off your backside,’ the plump monk told his friend as he burst into the cottage, his face all red and shaking. ‘They’ve got Will and taken him off to Clipston. The Sheriff is there and arranging a hanging!’
    Robert was on his feet in a moment. ‘How have they got Will? And why hang him?’
    ‘Did they ever need a good reason? A gang of the Sheriff’s men turned up at Langden. Isabel got a little warning for some of the coal-diggers saw the gang of mercenaries heading towards the manor.’
    ‘Why Langden?’ Marian asked.
    ‘It seems the Lady of Langden has been recognised and reported as one of the women who helped to rescue Gerta’s grandsons.’
    ‘I feared something like that!’ Marian said quietly.
    ‘Will insisted that Isabel took to the woods,’ Philippatold them hurriedly. ‘But then he stayed to see all the servants safely away and out of the hall. He did not manage to escape in time himself.’
    ‘What do they want with Will?’ Robert asked.
    ‘I fear they may think they’ve got you,’ Brother James cried. ‘They bellowed and shouted that they’d got the Hooded One, and Will killed two of their men, before they could get hold of him.’
    ‘Aye,’ Philippa added. ‘It’s either that, or the Sheriff tries his hand at a different, more crafty way of getting at thee! But we must not stand here asking why! We must do something and fast. Tom has gone riding off after them on Rambler, but what can Tom do on his own? Rowan and Isabel are gathering together the servants, but they are just a tiny handful and they are farmers, none of them are fighting men!’
    ‘Damnation,’ Robert growled. ‘Where can we get help from quickly? All those who fought with us for the charter have returned to their homes. It would take days to get them together.’
    ‘I know,’ cried Magda. ‘The answer’s there right in front of our noses. The woods are crowded out with pig-herders. The pannage finishes tomorrow, but they’re still there today, getting every last scrap they can for their

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