Unending Desire: Outlawed Realm, Book 1

Free Unending Desire: Outlawed Realm, Book 1 by Tina Donahue

Book: Unending Desire: Outlawed Realm, Book 1 by Tina Donahue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Donahue
Within seconds, their footfalls faded away, telling Nikoli they had turned a corner prior to reaching this area.
    Regina must have heard their departure. She sank to her heels and lifted her face to his.
    Nikoli’s throat constricted with emotion he couldn’t deny, need he fought to resist. Everything about Regina—from her coppery hair to her green eyes, guileless smile and willing heart—was so different, so much more alive than the females in his dimension. They had never known true passion…nor had they experienced dread or hopelessness.
    “What if they see us?” she’d asked.
    Her worry tore at him. But he couldn’t lie to her. She needed strength to survive this night and the others. “I’ll be executed for treason.”
    She fisted her free hand into his sweater, so unlike the garments on this side. Clothing Nikoli had stolen so he would resemble the inhabitants on her plane, moving freely amongst them to eliminate Sazaar.
    His failure to do so at the last moment had brought them to this.
    Hating himself for that weakness, he led Regina to a door near an intersection. Halls continued in all directions. The sound of a new conversation came from the right, the words so muted Nikoli couldn’t yet determine what his colleagues said.
    Releasing Regina, he placed his fingertips on the metal door as he had on the one in his lab. This being a common room for many scientists to use, the lock opened immediately, recognizing his markings as authorized.
    Hurriedly, he pulled Regina inside. At this hour, it would be rare to find anyone working in here. Tonight was no exception. Faintly lit as the other labs, equipment—not scientists—crowded its space.
    Regina turned to a hologram of the three other dimensions on earth, then back to him as Nikoli eased her against the door. Facing her, he listened to the footfalls outside.
    They didn’t continue down the intersection as he’d predicted. Instead, the faint tapping sounds turned in this direction.
    Nikoli tensed, knowing what discovery would mean. He placed his finger on Regina’s lips and listened closely.
    “Then you’ve approached her about being your mate?” one of the men asked.
    “Not yet,” the other answered. “I noticed you had an interest in her and wanted to discuss the matter with you. Were you planning to seek her as your partner?”
    “It had crossed my mind. She’s quite intelligent.”
    “I understand she’s scored the highest percentile on her tests. I haven’t yet reviewed her file. Have you?”
    Nikoli’s shoulders relaxed as his colleagues debated the practicalities of which man would be better suited for the female in question. He expected to feel shame for having betrayed them with his actions tonight, but did not. All that mattered to Nikoli was Regina.
    Clearly frightened, her hands on his chest, she searched his face.
    Tenderness swept through Nikoli, along with unbearable desire. He stroked her cheek to let her know she had nothing to fear.
    His colleagues continued their debate not far from the door, their comments mild, absent of passion.
    It raged through Nikoli as Regina held his gaze in the gloom, showing him her uncertainty.
    Desperate to comfort her, he pressed his mouth to her ear, all too aware of her delicate fragrance, nearly undone by the silkiness of her hair. “They don’t know we’re in here,” he whispered. “They won’t find out. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
    Regina’s body softened against his, her warmth and scent consuming his thoughts. Blood heated Nikoli’s chest and groin, thickening his cock, tightening his balls. Another word from her side. Descriptive, dynamic, making him hunger even more…making him act.
    He pressed his lips to her velvety cheek.
    Regina inhaled sharply, a barely audible sound that touched his heart and captured his soul. Sliding her hands from his chest to his back, she wound her arms around his torso, clinging to him. Out of fear or carnal hunger?
    It didn’t

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