Two Doms for Christmas

Free Two Doms for Christmas by Kat Barrett

Book: Two Doms for Christmas by Kat Barrett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kat Barrett
Haley separated them with her foot,
moving Sammie closer to the fridge before putting the bowls down.
    They were just finishing eating
when Austin came back up the stairs. Haley put the bowls in the sink. She
really wanted an explanation. Of course, she had some idea of kinky subject
matter because of her books, but she rarely delved into the heavier parts of
erotica. Her books were mostly science fiction or romantic pieces with women in
frilly, sultry dresses and men that rode horses or motorcycles. The real BDSM
type erotica was left for other authors with better information on the subject
    Austin waited as the dogs finished
eating and then held out his hand. Haley took it and he led her through the
house into the living room. He sat down on the loveseat and patted the cushion
next to him. Haley sat down, facing him.
    His eyes seemed to drink in her
face as he stared at her. “You are so beautiful in a very honest way. I really
like that.” Pushing back a wafting strand of her hair, he continued. “So what
do you want to know?”
    “I want to know what you are
hiding. Does it have to do with sex?”
    “It can. It also has to do with
willingness to allow someone into your life. It’s allowing me and Med to be
what we are.”
    “So, what are you?”
    “We are dominant and we enjoy sharing
the same woman.”
    She swallowed hard. “What exactly
is your description of a Dom?”
    “There are actually several
subdivisions of that title. There are those who are only into the sexual side
of it. There are also those who are into the sexual and daily life side. They
usually, but not always, live with their mates and make all the decisions for
the betterment of both their lives. Then there is what Med and I are. Sexually,
we like to be in complete control. You do what we tell you, when we tell you,
within reason of course. If something completely turns you off, then you are
expected to trust us enough to talk to us about it. For the most part, we are
also Doms in life. We both appreciate the nuances of a relationship where
respect and trust are foremost. The woman has to be ready to give herself to
one or both of us in all ways. We are both quite capable of dealing with the
issues of our lives and also yours. You may not always agree with our decisions
and they are open for discussion, but not for argument. The two of us have the
final say on all matters whether you believe it is what is best for you or not.
You simply have to trust us.”
    “Wow, that’s a bit much to ask on a
second date when I barely know you.”
    “I completely agree. I wouldn’t
expect you to give up your life and move in with me tomorrow. It would be
unreasonable and would probably not work out well for either of us. What I am
asking is for you to give me time to prove to you what I am. It may be a place
you are interested in assuming, it may not be. The final say will obviously be
yours. I can promise that if you give me or both of us a chance, we will prove
to you just how rewarding life as a submissive can be.”
    Haley already had the answer in her
mind. She had always been there, but the idea of her giving herself to another
male was skewed by what Jack had done to her. “I am submissive. I always have
been. I was submissive to Jack. I rarely questioned or challenged him. It
worked out well until he completely betrayed me.” Her lioness was shrieking in
horror. Haley shushed her back into her cage and threw a black sheet over it to
silence the inner voice that raged for things Haley really didn’t want.
    Rising from her seat, she walked
into the bathroom and shut the door. Sitting down on the toilet, she buried her
hands in her face. She had done this for as long as she could remember, hiding
her starkly-raw emotions behind the bathroom door. Jack always respected that
and left her alone. Her lioness wanted her to take control of her life and do
the things her parents wanted. Haley had control of her life, total complete
control. Over

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