Double Coverage

Free Double Coverage by Meghan Quinn

Book: Double Coverage by Meghan Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Meghan Quinn
Little good that did her. Now she had to make a two hour drive back to San Diego all by herself, contemplating what a mess she’d made of her life.
    The one good thing she’d had going for her was Mason, but she pushed him away. He wouldn’t even look at her at Lexi and Jake’s wedding. It was the one reason why she never approached him at the wedding. He clearly wanted nothing to do with her and she didn’t want to piss him off even more than he was. Being so close to him and not being able to be with him was torture though, especially when she watched him look at other women like Piper. Brooke didn’t blame him, though. If she was a guy, she would be staring at Piper as well. Hell, she was a girl and she still stared at Piper. Thankfully, Piper wanted nothing to do with him.
    Why would she give up a man like Mason? He was kind-hearted, loving and treated her like she was the world. She saw something different in him at the wedding. It was as if she turned him black. He wasn’t welcoming, or kind or joking around much. He didn’t seem like the old Mason and that killed her more than anything. Was it because of her? Maybe if she was back in his life, he would no longer be so angry.
    She picked up her phone and dialed the only number she knew would give her good advice.
    “Hey lady, how was the audition?”
    Brooke blew out a frustrated breath. “Lex, why did you encourage me to go try out for that stupid show? I can’t sing worth a shit.”
    Lexi laughed into the phone. “I’m sorry, Brooke, but I didn’t have the heart to tell you. So I take it the audition didn’t go so well?”
    “No. It went terrible and now I have nothing good going on in my life.”
    “Don’t say that. I think you should start that clothing line you always wanted. You have the sketches all done, why not make it happen?”
    Lexi had a good point. She could have her own fashion line or boutique. Her dad could back her endeavor with the funds she needed. It was the least he could do after sending her off to embarrass herself. But would it be what she really wanted? Would she be satisfied?
    “Yeah, I guess so, but what good is doing something like that when you don’t have someone to share it with?”
    “You can share it with me,” sweet Lexi replied.
    “I love you to death, girl, but I’m not about to snuggle you in bed and tell you all about my day.”
    “Hey, we used to snuggle and you never had a problem with that. Lexi joked around about their college days.
    “Yeah, but you’re not a man.”
    “What are you saying, Brooke?”
    Here goes nothing, Brooke thought. “I want Mason back.” There was silence on the other end of the phone, which made Brooke sweat. It was never good when you silenced Lexi, she always had an opinion or something to say. “Lexi, say something.”
    Brooke heard her friend clear her throat. “I’m sorry. I just didn’t expect you to say that. You showed no urge to be around him at the wedding and I thought you broke up with him because you weren’t happy.”
    It was true. Brooke wasn’t happy, but it was because she wasn’t living with Mason yet out in Denver and she saw him sporadically when he wasn’t playing football. Plus, she was always second to his career and she was a woman who deserved to be the center of a man’s attention. She knew it was childish, but she wanted Mason to know how it felt to be second to someone’s career. That was why she chose to pursue her not-so-successful singing career. She was such a joke.
    “I wanted to talk to him, but he looked like he would cut off my head with a machete if I gave him a chance. I miss him, Lexi. I made an incredibly idiotic mistake and I want him back.”
    “Wow. I mean, he’s really pissed at you Brooke. You have serious damage control to do. I’m pretty sure he punched a hole through a wall when you called off the engagement.”
    Brooke cringed at hearing that news. Mason was never the violent type. He was the guy who would make you

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