Dark Planet Warriors: The Serial (Books 1-3)

Free Dark Planet Warriors: The Serial (Books 1-3) by Anna Carven

Book: Dark Planet Warriors: The Serial (Books 1-3) by Anna Carven Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Carven
remember the emergency shutters coming over the dome, shutting out the light.
    “We have no sunlight in the dome,” I gasp. “If the oxygen filters stop working and the biomeric plant stops producing, we’re screwed.”
    A blank look crosses Zyara’s face. “I don’t know anything about that. I’m sorry. I’m going to put you back under now. The stasis tank can be unpleasant. I went light on the first dose of sedative, because I wasn’t sure how you’d metabolize it.”
    “Wait!” The last thing I want is to be sedated. I need to know what’s happening. “You can’t just knock me out. I don’t even know what’s going to happen to me. When are you going to get me out of this guinea pig tank?”
    “Guinea pig?” She shrugs. “I don’t know what that is.”
    “I want to be transferred to the Station medical bay,” I demand. “Let’s just say I’d like a second opinion. I appreciate you hooking me up to this thing, but I’m Human. I need a Human doctor.”
    “I’m afraid that’s not possible.”
    “Why the hell not?”
    A look of frustration crosses Zyara’s face. “I’m sorry.” She sounds genuinely apologetic. “But General Tarak has told me not to discuss that with you.”
    Urgh. That insensitive prick. Just because he got all sentimental and guilty back there when I was lying on the floor of the biomeric facility, doesn’t mean he’s changed.
    “Zyara,” I growl, anger darkening my voice. “You tell that big musclehead to get his silver ass over here right now. Don’t you dare sedate me.” I’ve forgotten about the cold. I’m way too livid to think about anything else.
    How dare he wire me up like this and stick me in some oversized goldfish bowl? I’m going to demand he hand me over to the Human side. He can’t just keep me here like this.
    Zyara clasps her hands together in alarm. She looks shocked. Maybe it’s because I’ve insulted her almighty boss. I don’t care. I just want to get off this ship.
    “Musclehead?” General Tarak’s familiar, deep voice resonates through the little speakers in my helmet, causing me to shudder. And maybe it’s just the drugs Zyara’s pumped into me, but a weird sensation courses through me, settling in my lower belly.
    He emerges from the shadows, the faint blue light reflecting off his hard features. I swear a little vein is pulsating on the side of his head. And his ears do a rapid little twitch.
    I’m starting to figure out what that means. He’s annoyed.
    “Take me to the Station medical bay,” I demand. “I want a Human doctor.”
    He scrutinizes me with those unsettling dark red eyes of his, his expression giving nothing away. The fear I felt before comes back, stronger than ever. I’m helpless and I absolutely hate it.
    I don’t want to end up as some Kordolian scientist’s dissection project.
    I open my mouth to speak, but he holds up a hand in that irritating, arrogant way of his. “Zyara, some privacy.”
    “But Sir, I need to monitor-”  
    “I need to speak to her alone.”
    The medic nods and gives him a deferent little bow before disappearing into the shadows.
    Tarak steps forward, peering at me through the transparent glass of the tank. A sudden, horrific thought occurs to me and I try to look down.
    Am I even wearing anything? Oh, no. They wouldn’t dare. Even aliens have some scruples, right?
    Thankfully, I seem to be dressed in a garment that at least hides my naughty bits. It clings to my body in all the right places, kind of like a swimsuit, although my arms, shoulders and midriff are left bare. And of course, both my legs are wrapped in that strange, clear membrane.
    Well, this is embarrassing. My attire leaves little to the imagination, and the General is staring.
    My anger rises again. He put me in this position. And now he has the nerve to look me up and down like I’m a specimen in a zoo?
    “Why are you doing this, General? Why not just let my people treat me?”
    “You Humans do not possess the

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