Breaking All the Rules

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Book: Breaking All the Rules by Kerry Connor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kerry Connor
top anything on their menu.”
    She reached her
hand down between them to cup it over the crotch of his jeans. Just as she’d
expected, he was hard as a rock. The zipper strained to contain him. His sudden
intake of air, little more than a hiss shooting from between his teeth, filled
the air between them. She tightened her hold on him in response, feeling the
reaction of his body to her touch. His cock thickened, widened, growing bigger
in her hand. She ground the heel of her palm against him, where the sensitive
head must be. He rewarded her with the lowest of moans, his breathing growing
too ragged for him to hide.
    A thrill raced
up her spine. Talk about having him in the palm of her hand.
    “Besides,” she
said softly, lifting her face closer to his. “I don’t think food is what you’re
hungry for anyway.”
    “Are we talking
about me or you now?”
    That thick lower
lip of his, so wide and sexy and tasty to nibble on, was mere inches away. All
she had to do was push up on her toes and take it in her mouth.
    “I’m definitely
interested in something other than food.”
    “Oh, yeah?” he
said, his voice husky. He unfolded his arms and bent closer, and she was sure
he was going to kiss her. It was all that kept her from leaning forward and
doing it first.
    “Care to guess
what that is?”
    “No need to. I
know exactly what you want.”
    “I know you do,”
she breathed.
    “But you’re not
getting it.”
    The words were a
splash of cold water right in the face. Her lowered eyelids snapped open. He
caught her so off guard it took her a few seconds to realize his hand had clamped
down on her wrist, pulling it away from his crotch. Her fingers continued to
work desperately, molding to something that she no longer held.
    His breathing
was still slightly ragged, but the clenching of his jaw told her he was back in
control. Maybe not by much, but enough to thwart her.
    “Not until I get
what I want,” he said.
    “I haven’t heard
any complaints in the past.”
    “I want a date. A
real date. You and me. In public. Like regular people.”
    “Sounds boring,”
she purred, struggling to free her hand from his grip and reach him again.
    He didn’t
release her. “I promise it won’t be.”
    She stared up
into his eyes, until the hard gleam there convinced her he wasn’t backing down.
Swallowing a curse, she stepped back, releasing his legs from between her own.
He let go of her wrist a heartbeat later.
    “It’s not a good
    “Why don’t you
give it a chance before making up your mind?”
    “I don’t need
to. It could never work, and we’re only asking for trouble if we open that
door. The only way this is going to work is if we keep things the way they
    “That’s not
enough for me anymore.”
    She tried her
most seductive smile. “I bet I can convince you otherwise.”
    He returned the
smile just as easily. “Back at you.” This time he pushed off the car, forcing
her to take a step back. “Because, like I said, I know what you want, and I
know how bad you want it. And you’re not going to get it until you agree to my
terms. How long do you think you can hold out when all you have to give up is
one measly date?”
    “I lasted all
those months you were gone and lived to talk about it. You’d be surprised just
how strong I can be.”
    “I guess we’re
both going to find out just how strong that is.” He leaned closer. Instead of
moving his mouth to hers, he lowered it next to her ear, whispering his
tantalizing words straight into it. “Because I’m not giving up until you agree
to go out with me. I’m not going anywhere, so you’re not going to be able to
forget me either. Sooner or later you’re going to want me to touch you so bad
you’ll be begging me to take you out.”
    It was her turn
to swallow hard. “That’s some ego you’ve got there.”
    “Says the woman
who jumps me before I can even step through her front door.”
    “You’re wasting
your time,” she

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