Murder Is Our Mascot

Free Murder Is Our Mascot by Tracy D. Comstock

Book: Murder Is Our Mascot by Tracy D. Comstock Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracy D. Comstock
school that late?
    7. How did Mr. Barnes afford that fancy car??
    Emily knew she might be fixating on Barnes because she disliked him so much, but the timing of his new car ate at her. She had a sudden flashback from Varsity Blues, in which the main character, Mox, asks the same question about his health teacher. Turned out she was a stripper on the side. Could Barnes be a stripper on the side? Emily shuddered and slammed her journal shut. Enough speculation for now. If she had to think of Barnes in a tiny Speedo, she'd lose her appetite for dinner.
    * * *
    Tad answered the door wearing a soft, gray sweater and jeans, with a dishtowel slung over one shoulder. Emily blamed her salivating on the smells that wafted from the kitchen. "Smells delicious," she said as Tad took her coat. "What can I do to help?"
    Tad motioned to the salad makings laid out by the cutting board. "I thought you could work on the salad while I finish up the roast chicken and new potatoes." Emily was impressed. She loved to cook but had had no idea that Tad did too. When she mentioned that, he turned to her with a slow smile. "There are several things you don't know about me, Em." His eyes held hers so that her hand faltered on the knife she was using to chop up a red pepper. She was relieved when he turned back to the stove. Chopping off a finger would definitely put a damper on the evening. "I had an excellent wine picked out to go with the chicken but figured you'd probably prefer soda," he said over his shoulder.
    Emily laughed at the cold, fizzy drink he set in front of her. "You know me well, Tad. You know me well."
    Tad leaned in closer, their arms brushing as he whispered, "I do, Em. That I do." Emily would have sworn that electricity was snapping in the air around them. She felt her eyes drifting closed as she swayed imperceptibly closer to Tad. Then a furry head bumped her leg at the same time claws dug through the back of her jeans. She yelped and jumped back. Duke stood, giving her his "poor me" doggy eyes. She had completely forgotten about the tiny dog. Tad looked as rattled as she did as he bent to give Duke a good rub.
    "Poor guy must be hungry," Emily managed irritably. "After all, it does smell amazing in here." Duke wagged his tail happily, and Emily glared at the little traitor. The moment between her and Tad dissolved into that abyss of lost chances.
    Once they were settled at his small kitchen table, Tad started in on the research he had compiled so far on Coach Layton. Emily savored the moist chicken but was frustrated by how little Tad had been able to uncover. Apparently, Jim's electronic footprint only went back as far as eleven years ago. At that time, he was teaching and coaching in a small district in Iowa.
    "So where was he before Iowa?" Emily asked again.
    Tad ran a hand through his hair. "That's just it, Pit. I have no idea. There is nothing out there, at least that I can find, before he started teaching in Peculiar Bluffs, Iowa."
    Emily fiddled with her fork. "You know that Principal Matthews would never hire someone he hadn't completely vetted. Jim had to have had references. Maybe some of those would lead us to where he was before Iowa?"
    "Good idea," Tad replied, stacking their plates and carrying them into the kitchen. "I'll check with Mr. Matthews first thing in the morning. You up for dessert? I picked up a red velvet cheesecake at Mae's Bakery yesterday." Tad waved the familiar pink-and-white-striped box under her nose.
    Emily closed her eyes and inhaled as Tad slid a slice in front of her. Mae's was one of her favorite places on Earth, and Tad knew it. Her eyes snapped open, but she waited to speak until she had shoveled in the first creamy bite of heaven. She tried to keep a tiny moan from escaping, but this was Mae's, for crying out loud. Tad was watching her carefully, his slice still untouched. Emily broke off a white chocolate curl from the top of her piece and pointed it at Tad. "How did you know I'd

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