Ladies of Deception 02 - Misleading Lord Martineau

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Book: Ladies of Deception 02 - Misleading Lord Martineau by Ginny Hartman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ginny Hartman
for Pierce.”
    Elliot raised one dark brow skeptically, “I’m not convinced the ridiculous, love-struck trance he’s been in is an improvement over his old character. You must try harder to convince me.” Hope’s expression turned to one of pity and for some reason that irked Elliot.
    Setting her cup and saucer down on the table, Hope looked up at Elliot and spoke in a soft voice, almost a whisper. “Elliot, I know about Felicity, Pierce told me what happened.”
    “ I don’t wish to speak of that now or ever again,” he barked, completely provoked that she dared bring up such a sensitive topic.
    “ I realize it must be a touchy subject,” she forged ahead cautiously, ignoring Elliot’s disconcerted expression completely, “But I just think that if you allow yourself to be open to the possibility of a future with somebody else that you could find love again.”
    “ And you think Miss Ogglesby could be that somebody? Are you and Pierce that anxious to get rid of the chit that you’ll attempt to pawn her off on me, a cold, heartless rake?”
    “ You make it sound like we’re being horrible. I’m just worried about you and so is Pierce, that’s all. And Miss Ogglesby is really such a sweet girl, if you’d only give her a chance I’m sure that you would see what a lovely person she is. Besides, she needs somebody as well. She’s been left completely alone and I fear that she’s not dealing well with her loss.”
    Elliot slumped back into his chair, “I’m just not sure I can be what she needs. Honestly Hope, I’m not sure exactly what my future holds right now and it wouldn’t be fair to lead her on.”
    Refusing to give up, Hope continued to plead, “I understand, and I appreciate your candor but won’t you at least spend a little more time with her? You don’t have to pursue her romantically but I think she could use a friend.”
    “ What’s wrong with your friendship, isn’t that enough? Surely having a woman to talk to is much more practical and relatable than a friendship with me would be.”
    Exasperated Hope sighed, “Oh stopping being so difficult. Can’t you at least come to dinner tomorrow evening and spend some time with her, with us?”
    “I don’t understand why you and Pierce keep begging favors of me; can’t you just leave me in peace?”
    Turning sympathetic amber eyes on him she said softly, “It’s not doing us a favor, it’s doing yourself a favor. It’s time you left the past behind.”
    Elliot wanted to be angry at her words but found he couldn’t, not when she looked at him with such compassion. And though he couldn’t approve of their methods, he truly did believe that Pierce and Hope had his best interests at heart.
    After contemplating her words he finally relented, “Fine, I’ll come to dinner but on one condition.”
    “ Please, please do not put any more pressure on me to pursue Miss Ogglesby. Let the chips fall where they may and trust that I will use my best judgment where she is concerned.”
    Hope smiled victoriously, “Agreed.”

Chapter 9
    Thursday April 21 st , 1814
    Sitting around the table in the Duke and Duchess’s dining room, Elliot chanced a quick glance at Miss Ogglesby. Her eyes were averted as she concentrated on eating the soup that had been placed before her, giving Elliot a chance to study her more fully. She was dressed in a pink gown that brought out the color in her cheeks, making her appear not quite so plain. He watched as she delicately slurped a spoonful of the hot liquid and decided she had nice lips. Though not as full as Felicity’s, they were perfectly proportioned to her face but he still had no desire to kiss them. He glanced away then, anxious to not get caught staring and turned his attention back to the conversation at the table.
    Pierce had been relating a long story about a discussion earlier in the week held during a session of parliament. “Elliot, you really should take your place in the House

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