Ladies of Deception 02 - Misleading Lord Martineau

Free Ladies of Deception 02 - Misleading Lord Martineau by Ginny Hartman

Book: Ladies of Deception 02 - Misleading Lord Martineau by Ginny Hartman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ginny Hartman
was saying my lord,” Percival continued with just the barest hint of irritation marring his voice, “The duke’s wife, the Duchess of Kerrington is here to see you. She is waiting in the parlor. I had tea sent in to her.”
    Elliot looked up in surprise, “Her grace is here—by herself?”
    “Yes my lord.”
    Suddenly an idea formed in his head and Elliot smiled for the first time in days. “Well certainly we can’t keep her waiting. I’ll go see her now.”
    Elliot left the room, leaving Percival to stare at him in marvel, wondering what had suddenly caused his mood to brighten, if only momentarily.
    Entering the parlor Elliot’s eyes rested on Hope, her belly swollen in front of her, a clear indication of her confinement. Though rounded with child she appeared even more beautiful than normal, she had a glow about her that made Elliot long briefly for a wife of his own with a child in her womb. He shook his head to dispel that line of thinking, wondering where that foreign thought had come from anyway. Stepping forward he took Hope’s hand in his and bowed slightly in greeting.
    “Oh Elliot, I’m positively furious with you.”
    Elliot straightened and looked at her quizzically, “Whatever have I done this time?”
    “It’s what you haven’t done; you haven’t been by the house to see us once since we’ve returned to London. What kind of welcome is that?”
    Elliot went and sat in a tufted wingback chair and said, “My apologies your grace, I’ve been rather occupied. I realize, however, that’s no excuse to neglect such a dear friend and such a beautiful one at that. Have I told you how stunning you look? Being with child becomes you.”
    Hope blushed at the same time she rolled her eyes, “You always were one prone to flattery. Now tell me what has been occupying so much of your time that you couldn’t spare an evening with your closest of friends.”
    “ You forget, I did spare you an evening the night I escorted Miss Ogglesby to the Sotheby’s ball.”
    Hope stuck her bottom lip out in a pout, “That can hardly count, we shared a short carriage ride to the ball is all and don’t make me remind you of the reasons we didn’t share a carriage ride home afterwards.”
    “No need to bring that up,” he mumbled. “If it makes you happy I’ll agree to pay you a visit post haste. I have some things I need to discuss with Pierce anyway.”
    “ And what of me? Is there anything you wish to discuss with me right now?” Her voice was inquisitive, her gaze probing.
    Elliot leaned forward, “Actually there is, I’m so glad you asked.” Here was his opportunity to find out if he could set his plan to go to America into action. Hope visibly brightened as he continued, “I have been thinking about your brother-in-law Mr. Johanssen and wondering what he is up to these days.”
    Hope looked at him confused, “Soren? That is who you wish to speak to me about?”
    “ Yes, is there someone else of whom you wish to speak?” He asked, not picking up on what she had been eluding too.
    “ No, I—well it’s just that I had thought that maybe—well I guess you haven’t really given any indication, it’s just that I had hoped—”
    A sickening feeling filled Elliot’s belly, “You came to speak of Miss Ogglesby, didn’t you?”
    Hope looked at him sheepishly, “Well maybe I had thought, well hoped really, that you two might have made a connection.”
    Elliot laughed. “Please don’t ever waste your time playing the matchmaker with me, I’m completely unredeemable in that regards.”
    Hope leaned towards him then, as far as her burgeoning belly would permit and placed a hand on his arm, “Oh Elliot, don’t ever say that. I think you have more redeemable qualities than you think, the love of a good woman would do you wonders.”
    Laughing mirthlessly he pulled his arm back from her touch. “With all due respect your grace, that’s the last thing I need.”
    “Oh I disagree, look what it did

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