Another Chance

Free Another Chance by Ariadne Wayne

Book: Another Chance by Ariadne Wayne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ariadne Wayne
chatter when Cassie took him in to introduce him to the workers. As she introduced him, the women were getting excited, most of the staff were female so having a new man around would get them talking. Especially one who looked like him.
    “I will see you bright and early tomorrow,” said Mark after he’d delayed leaving as long as possible.
    “That’ll be great. If you need anywhere to store things there’s plenty of room out the back,” Cassie said.
    “I hope you’ll be satisfied with my work.”
    “I’m sure we will.”
    Mark struggled to come up with anything else to say, so shook her hand and left. “Don’t lose your cool,” he murmured to himself.
    Cassie finished closing up the store before jumping in her car to go home and get ready for her first date with Adam.
    “Did you have a good day, Mum?” asked Sophie. At six, she was sharp as a tack and Cassie was so proud of her daughter.
    “Not too bad,” Cassie replied, “how was school?”
    “It was fun, we spent some time in the library. I brought home a book to read and I’d really like if you would read with me.”
    “When do you have to take it back love?”
    “Next week.”
    “No problem. I’m going out tonight so Caitlin can read it to you. We can read it again together before you need to take it back.”
    “Caitlin’s baby sitting?”
    “Well you are no baby, but yes she is taking care of you tonight.”
    “Where are you going?” Sophie asked.
    “I’m going to a movie with someone,” Cassie replied.
    “Who? Is it a boy?”
    Cassie laughed. “Yes it is a boy, Miss Nosey. Now be good for Caitlin this evening.”
    There was a knock on the door and Cassie went to answer it. Caitlin was from further down the road, and she’d taken care of Sophie before so Cassie knew she could trust her. In some ways Caitlin reminded Cassie of herself, she was a studious girl who kept to herself and Cassie knew she would spend the evening studying or reading.
    “Hi, Caitlin, Sophie is just in here. I’ll get her ready for bed before I go and then you can have the place to yourself. Sophie knows to go to bed at 7.30, and you know the rest of the drill.”
    “Thanks, Miss Warren, I promise we’ll have a quiet night.”
    “I know I can rely on you, Caitlin, that’s why I ask you to take care of Sophie.”
    “Where are you going tonight?” she asked.
    “Just to go and see a movie. It’s the first date I’ve been on since before Sophie was born, so it should be low stress.”
    Caitlin laughed. “Well have fun and don’t worry about Sophie.”
    “I won’t be too late,” she said as she headed out the door. She was meeting Adam at the movie theatre and wasn’t planning on drinking so drove to her date.
    He was waiting outside. “Cassie, you are lovely.”
    She blushed. “Thank you, you’re not so bad yourself.”
    “Shall we?” he asked, leading her inside where they got tickets. Cassie’s stomach was twisting due to nerves, so she opted to get a drink.
    Adam didn’t make a move the whole night and Cassie finally relaxed and enjoyed the movie. Even at the end of it, he kissed her on the cheek and asked if she would go out with him again before leaving her at her car.
    “Sure, that would be great.”
    “We’ll go somewhere nice next time, go out for dinner properly.”
    She grinned. “I’d like that.”
    Their first date over, she felt happy to be easing into dating again. As she drove home, her mood was that much lighter.
    For the next few yoga classes, he flirted but made no firm plans. Still, she was growing to like him more and more, and he seemed to like her too. It made her days go faster while she waited to go out with him again.
    Cassie moved through the store until she stood under Mark’s ladder. “Mark,” she called out, “can I have a word?”
    “You can have as many words as you like.” He’d been working inside the store for three weeks now and flirting with the gorgeous redhead as much as he thought he’d get

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