
Free Enchanter by Joanne Wadsworth

Book: Enchanter by Joanne Wadsworth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanne Wadsworth
he’d said kitchen . “Here we are.”
    Oh, nice. Brass pots and pans hung over a wood-fired stove, and beside it, a cane basket overflowed with kindling. “Since your home has two fireplaces, I believe I might move in.”
    He chuckled. “I’m taking you to the next village bonfire night. You’ll love that.”
    “Yes, please, if you can drag me out of this room.” His mother’s kitchen was clearly the hub of the home. On the scuffed wooden countertop, a pail overflowed with ripened red apples. Tasty. And beyond, a wide dining area held a chunky pine table draped with a crocheted cloth. Giggi knelt on one of the slatted bench seats before it and set the brownie on top.
    “Where’s Mum, Giggi?”
    “I don’t know, but I’ll go find—”
    “I’m right here.” Zayn’s mother swished into the room in brown skirts and an apron. Long golden hair, the same shade as Zayn’s, swung in a thick braid down her back. His mother’s eyes widened as she took in the dishes. “Oh, that looks delicious.”
    Giggi pointed to the corner of the brownie. “I didn’t do that.”
    “I’m sure you didn’t. Thanks, hon. You go and call your father in. He should be out by the woodshed. Let him know we have a guest.” She smiled at Zayn. “Pop the lasagna on the table, Mr. Taste-tester.”
    Zayn grinned and slid his dish where she’d said. “It’s gets a ten out of ten, if you’re wondering.”
    “I’m sure it does.” She crossed the room and grasped my hands. “Lovely to meet you, Silvie. Thank you so much for bringing dinner. I can’t believe this is the first time we’ve met, although I do remember seeing you in the arena stands at Zayn’s rising. I’m Briarlee. Zayn speaks about you all the time.”
    “He does?” Zayn’s cheeks had flushed.
    “Mum, what did you do to your hands?”
    “I picked berries today.” She twiddled her stained fingers in the air. “I’ll try and have another scrub at them.” At the sink, she picked up a slab of soap, one close to a half pound of butter in size. “Tell me all about your day off, hon.”
    “Silvie took me to her favorite beach.”
    “You two went out together?” She peered over her shoulder at him. “That sounds intriguing.”
    “It’s not what you think.”
    “How do you know what I’m thinking?” Her hands disappeared within the mound of bubbles she’d built.
    “It’s obvious. Anyway—” He scratched the back of his neck. “—Silvie came into her fire skill today.”
    “What?” She flung her hands into the air and suds flew. A blob landed on Zayn’s head. “The fire skill, but that’s— Wow. We haven’t seen that skill in far too long.”
    “I didn’t have very good control of it. First day and all.” But I would.
    “That’ll only take a little training.” She nabbed a towel and patted Zayn’s head. “The fire comes from your fingertips, right?”
    “Yep.” I lifted my hands, and with barely a thought, the fire flickered to life.
    Eyes wide, she reared back. “Oh, that’s incredible.”
    I waved my hands in front of me and the glowing red and orange sparks licked higher.
    “Okay, that’s also hot.” She edged further away. “How do you put it out?”
    “Thinking of cold stuff, or getting doused in water. I prefer neither.” Still, I got down to the nasty business of conjuring the iciest winter day possible. A chill soon penetrated my bones, and I shivered and stamped my feet. Ick.
    “That’s very clever. Your flames are out.”
    “You controlled that quickly.” Zayn examined my hands, turning them over. “It’s obviously better for you to get a handle on things as soon as the fire appears. We’ll practice whenever you wish. You’ll need to be ready for your rising when it comes.”
    Oh boy. I didn’t want to think about my rising, the time when our skills came to fruition and burned at three times the strength. I would need a mountain of control for that. “You’re really up for helping me train?”

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